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~ Pup could have an intestinal blockage or twisted bowel which will make him avoid bulky things like veggies and make him unwilling to eat in general. If not corrected, he will decline rapidly from dehydration and starvation. See if he will drink warm chicken broth alone or with pureed vegetables. Also try putting melted butter on any veggies and smoosh them into soft mashed potato-like consistency. This usually makes them much more enticing.
Has the Vet x-rayed or done an ultrasound to look for blockages or a twisted bowel?
~ Candida overgrowth from all the antibiotics. Candida causes digestive distress and also a very itchy bum that is relentless.
See if your Doctor will give you an Rx for a tube of this human medicine: Nystatin and Triamcinolone Acetonide cream USP. This cream is priceless!
If you or your pup has a Candida overgrowth the itching bum will make you be unable to think of anything else. A tiny dot of this cream rubbed on the itchy part IMMEDIATELY quells and stops the itch. Use a saline-moistened Q-tip to apply a bit of the cream around and inside the rectum. The relief is almost instant. Repeat as needed and usually after about 3 days the issue is gone.
Nystatin is one of the only treatments for Candida.
Re: Ivermectin, he is a tiny dog. Look up dosages for dogs online, they are easily findable. If you choose to use this on him, don't force it down his throat, rub it on his skin and it will be absorbed. See:
Thanks for your reply. X ray of abdomen showed all clear and normal with the bowel with no masses or anything unusual outside of heavy gas pockets. His stools are well formed and normal size. He eats well and drinks normal amounts. He is just not a food motivated dog. If he is not hungry at the time, even his favorite things wont appeal to him. Very picky but I will try the butter on veggies. He likes butter pretty well. Your thoughts on Candida are something that never occurred to me. Will pursue this avenue for sure. Appreciate your time and info.
You bet. Good luck and let us all know how he does.