It's one of those things where it's good in theory, but implemented horribly. The only two answers I see to it are either we abolish such programs because they're too easily abused, or we completely revamp them to make it near impossible for them to be abused.
For example, if you want SNAP, Medicaid, Section 8 housing vouchers, etc. You should be under much stricter scrutiny and be required to actively look for employment (Like how when you apply for unemployment after being laid off you have to turn in a certain amount of job applications and references every week/month to keep your benefits.)
Of course there ARE exceptions, like people who are wards of the state because they're mentally or physically incompetent and have no care takers, or people who are actually disabled and CAN'T work, etc.
But overall, the biggest problem is that the system is too easy to abuse. If you want these benefits, it should be much harder to get them, and prove you need them. And unless you have extenuating circumstances, you shouldn't be on these programs forever. You should have to actively look for employment or a way to better yourself, and there should be a cutoff date where you have to renew your participation and undergo another review to see if you continue to qualify for participation in the programs.
That would cut down on those stupid types that live in poverty, but wear name brand clothing, have expensive cars, etc. While living in a crap hole with no food, insurance, sub par or no employment, etc. I'm sure we all know the type I'm talking about.
There are rules in place that are supposed to prevent fraud and abuse but the exceptions are abused. Review the Able Bodied Adults without dependents policy and the exemptions permitted. Oh, you take care of your elderly neighbor next door? Oh no, I don't need proof I can take your word for it. You are exempted from Able Bodied Adult without Dependents policies.
Hence the need for a revamp on the system since loopholes like that can easily be abused. At the very least, this type of thing should be treated the same as unemployment and other similar policies where they freaking hound the ever loving crap out of you to make sure all of your ducks in a row and put the fear of God in you should you try and cheat them knowingly.
The current system needs dimantled. Its engineered to keep people in poverty.
It irritates me really, having grown up on welfare. It takes a pay raise from $13(a decent life in those days) to like $24/hr to BREAK EVEN after losing all benefits.
It also irritates me we have a system that takes people who do earn a decent living, work their whole life. Have their employer move out of country and they lose everything.
No one should lose anything in this country. Unless its their own fault.
Charity should be done by churches, not extorted from citizens at gun point. Welfare becomes necessary when you remove God from society and people are no longer pressured to help their fellow man.
Edit to add : and abusers no longer feel shame for taking advantage.
You should not be required to just actively look for employment, but actually hold a job. There are plenty jobs out there, as well as voluntarily opportunities. Certain labor intensive jobs should hold more weight. It is certainly not good enough to hold a job, you must be working at it, not lazily going through the motions. Award a point system associated with jobs and supplement with health insurance, housing and food vouchers. You should get points for the hours you work and performance. Then the points can be used towards housing food or healthcare-your choice. So say you own your house, but you lost your job and need a hand up. You get a job landscaping (hard work). You get 500 points per week (2000 per month). Family health care is 750 points, housing 500 points, food 500 points. You need health care and food, but not housing. So 750/2000 goes to health care and 1250 is available for food (dollar value per points to be determined). At the end of the year, unused points may be converted toward purchasing a home, a car, or education classes or may be banked for a rainy day. So good management is rewarded. You can avail yourself of free community classes: gardening, cooking from scratch, sewing, plumbing, etc. to help you save money. Working at a hunger center/soup kitchen will also give you points. If you bring your 13 yo and up to help and learn, they will also get points. This will help them learn the importance of giving and also help the family. They also would have to actively learn and participate in the program. Land would be set aside for community gardens and children under 18 could participate in this endeavor by weeding, planting, harvesting. Land will be set aside in each neighborhood and in colder months a greenhouse will be erected by the participants. Each neighborhood can set up a bartering system for services. Children can be taught how to set up a web page for their community in school, in place of a study hall. They can earn points for successfully learning how to develop the site. There will be a limit to the length of time you may utilize these services, to be determined. The idea is it is not a hand out, but a hand up.
The value of a public ‘safety net’ is that it maintains stability in communities. But when the ‘safety net’ becomes the community itself (greater than 10%) it becomes the system. That is suicidal.
Exceeding a 10% threshold should only happen in times of national catastrophe (think Dustbowl), but its unsustainable levels are due primarily to illegal immigration and government using public monies as a slush fund.
Those two factors far outweigh the fraud of people really not qualified abusing the system, or even the intransigent acceptance of a poverty class of citizenry.
If we dealt with illegal immigration — which is really foreign occupation, and cut off the spigot of unchecked government spending, our medicaid and food stamp program could be contained and managed as intended.
It's one of those things where it's good in theory, but implemented horribly. The only two answers I see to it are either we abolish such programs because they're too easily abused, or we completely revamp them to make it near impossible for them to be abused.
For example, if you want SNAP, Medicaid, Section 8 housing vouchers, etc. You should be under much stricter scrutiny and be required to actively look for employment (Like how when you apply for unemployment after being laid off you have to turn in a certain amount of job applications and references every week/month to keep your benefits.)
Of course there ARE exceptions, like people who are wards of the state because they're mentally or physically incompetent and have no care takers, or people who are actually disabled and CAN'T work, etc.
But overall, the biggest problem is that the system is too easy to abuse. If you want these benefits, it should be much harder to get them, and prove you need them. And unless you have extenuating circumstances, you shouldn't be on these programs forever. You should have to actively look for employment or a way to better yourself, and there should be a cutoff date where you have to renew your participation and undergo another review to see if you continue to qualify for participation in the programs.
That would cut down on those stupid types that live in poverty, but wear name brand clothing, have expensive cars, etc. While living in a crap hole with no food, insurance, sub par or no employment, etc. I'm sure we all know the type I'm talking about.
There are rules in place that are supposed to prevent fraud and abuse but the exceptions are abused. Review the Able Bodied Adults without dependents policy and the exemptions permitted. Oh, you take care of your elderly neighbor next door? Oh no, I don't need proof I can take your word for it. You are exempted from Able Bodied Adult without Dependents policies.
Hence the need for a revamp on the system since loopholes like that can easily be abused. At the very least, this type of thing should be treated the same as unemployment and other similar policies where they freaking hound the ever loving crap out of you to make sure all of your ducks in a row and put the fear of God in you should you try and cheat them knowingly.
The current system needs dimantled. Its engineered to keep people in poverty.
It irritates me really, having grown up on welfare. It takes a pay raise from $13(a decent life in those days) to like $24/hr to BREAK EVEN after losing all benefits.
It also irritates me we have a system that takes people who do earn a decent living, work their whole life. Have their employer move out of country and they lose everything.
No one should lose anything in this country. Unless its their own fault.
Charity should be done by churches, not extorted from citizens at gun point. Welfare becomes necessary when you remove God from society and people are no longer pressured to help their fellow man.
Edit to add : and abusers no longer feel shame for taking advantage.
Maybe if they weren't creating food shortages
You should not be required to just actively look for employment, but actually hold a job. There are plenty jobs out there, as well as voluntarily opportunities. Certain labor intensive jobs should hold more weight. It is certainly not good enough to hold a job, you must be working at it, not lazily going through the motions. Award a point system associated with jobs and supplement with health insurance, housing and food vouchers. You should get points for the hours you work and performance. Then the points can be used towards housing food or healthcare-your choice. So say you own your house, but you lost your job and need a hand up. You get a job landscaping (hard work). You get 500 points per week (2000 per month). Family health care is 750 points, housing 500 points, food 500 points. You need health care and food, but not housing. So 750/2000 goes to health care and 1250 is available for food (dollar value per points to be determined). At the end of the year, unused points may be converted toward purchasing a home, a car, or education classes or may be banked for a rainy day. So good management is rewarded. You can avail yourself of free community classes: gardening, cooking from scratch, sewing, plumbing, etc. to help you save money. Working at a hunger center/soup kitchen will also give you points. If you bring your 13 yo and up to help and learn, they will also get points. This will help them learn the importance of giving and also help the family. They also would have to actively learn and participate in the program. Land would be set aside for community gardens and children under 18 could participate in this endeavor by weeding, planting, harvesting. Land will be set aside in each neighborhood and in colder months a greenhouse will be erected by the participants. Each neighborhood can set up a bartering system for services. Children can be taught how to set up a web page for their community in school, in place of a study hall. They can earn points for successfully learning how to develop the site. There will be a limit to the length of time you may utilize these services, to be determined. The idea is it is not a hand out, but a hand up.
I know I'm tired of watching people slide a benefits card for food and all in the same breath purchase $50 in lotto. I see it daily. It's disgraceful.
The value of a public ‘safety net’ is that it maintains stability in communities. But when the ‘safety net’ becomes the community itself (greater than 10%) it becomes the system. That is suicidal.
Exceeding a 10% threshold should only happen in times of national catastrophe (think Dustbowl), but its unsustainable levels are due primarily to illegal immigration and government using public monies as a slush fund.
Those two factors far outweigh the fraud of people really not qualified abusing the system, or even the intransigent acceptance of a poverty class of citizenry.
If we dealt with illegal immigration — which is really foreign occupation, and cut off the spigot of unchecked government spending, our medicaid and food stamp program could be contained and managed as intended.
Get a job.