He got all squirrely on me, started making up obviously bullshit explanations for something he was probably unaware of, or at least unprepared to discuss.
He had a crew of “architects and engineers” on the thread, backing up his bullshit explanations.
I destroyed his dumbass with a handful of questions he couldnt answer, so what did he do?
He tried to back out of the AMA, and claim it was “someone else” impersonating him.
The AMA was heavily advertised on reddit for weeks before it happened, so everyone was expecting it.
Then “top minds of reddit” jumped on the bandwagon, and claimed we all got fooled by an imposter.
I thought Richard Gage was a legit guy, until he showed his hand.
Architects and Engineers is controlled Opp. There were no planes that hit the world trade center that day (I know it's very hard to believe, but unfortunately true) and yet their logo is literally a plane and the WTC.
Those buildings were rigged for controlled demolition, perhaps with something of even higher power than conventional explosions in the foundation to melt the evidence.
video compositing. watch #7 THE KEY by AceBaker.
A lot of people didnt agree with him or called hi this that & the other but theres some excellent stuff in that episode, especially pertaining to the cameraman of chopper 5 on the morning of 911 and his specialty, which is none other than video compositing [i.e. how to insert a plane into a video clip]
Remember when thousands of engineers told everyone the towers had to have been demolished?
Fuck Richard Gage.
That guy did a reddit AMA and i asked him about this “pot hole”
He got all squirrely on me, started making up obviously bullshit explanations for something he was probably unaware of, or at least unprepared to discuss.
He had a crew of “architects and engineers” on the thread, backing up his bullshit explanations.
I destroyed his dumbass with a handful of questions he couldnt answer, so what did he do?
He tried to back out of the AMA, and claim it was “someone else” impersonating him.
The AMA was heavily advertised on reddit for weeks before it happened, so everyone was expecting it.
Then “top minds of reddit” jumped on the bandwagon, and claimed we all got fooled by an imposter.
I thought Richard Gage was a legit guy, until he showed his hand.
Hes controlled opposition.
And i destroyed his facade, on accident.
Architects and Engineers is controlled Opp. There were no planes that hit the world trade center that day (I know it's very hard to believe, but unfortunately true) and yet their logo is literally a plane and the WTC.
Those buildings were rigged for controlled demolition, perhaps with something of even higher power than conventional explosions in the foundation to melt the evidence.
How do you explain the video footage and eye-witness accounts?
video compositing. watch #7 THE KEY by AceBaker. A lot of people didnt agree with him or called hi this that & the other but theres some excellent stuff in that episode, especially pertaining to the cameraman of chopper 5 on the morning of 911 and his specialty, which is none other than video compositing [i.e. how to insert a plane into a video clip] https://www.pmjmp.org/post/9-11-the-great-american-psy-opera