The mods of this place already said it's the other way around. Their idea is pin it to give it more attention so it's more likely thay someone will research it. Not such a bad idea methinks, and I don't blame the mods for people believing it without seeing the research first. Though I have watched the mods incorrectly label something while ignoring the research staring them in the face too.
Crowd source it in the comments.
It gets pinned.
Am I blind, or was step 1 missed?
The mods of this place already said it's the other way around. Their idea is pin it to give it more attention so it's more likely thay someone will research it. Not such a bad idea methinks, and I don't blame the mods for people believing it without seeing the research first. Though I have watched the mods incorrectly label something while ignoring the research staring them in the face too.