WTH is wrong with people? ‘Designer Vagina’ Surgery DOUBLES In 2022 Because Ultra-Tight Spandex Pants Are A Trend. “Women are flocking to purchase a ‘designer vagina’ after ultra-tight leggings have become uncomfortable or embarrassing thanks to the dreaded ‘camel toe,'”
🧠 These people are stupid!
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It could worse, it could be called the "Rutting Rut". lol
The mons pubis, the fatty deposit over the pubic bone, is commonly called the Venus Mound/Mons Venus. That's not at all off-putting to a normal heterosexual man. Maybe they should come up with a similar name for the camel toe, something like the "Love Valley" or "Goddess Groove".
How about the Venus-guy-trap?
Come on... I don't care who you are--that's there"s funny.
I've always called that the "Fupa" (fat upper pussy area)
Man hole.
Sex ditch