Why are you pushing the Vax and boosters? Especially here at GAW. IT MAKES NO SENSE.
Its unthinkable that you also vaxt your children. IMHO that is child abuse. You need to unmask, breath the fresh air, quit watching CNN and MSNBC. And for gods sake please quit masking your children and pushing that shit on other people. Its sick. Please read more. It will do you some good.
If you were as smart as you assume you are, why are you fully vaccinated against COVID?
Why are you pushing the Vax and boosters? Especially here at GAW. IT MAKES NO SENSE.
Its unthinkable that you also vaxt your children. IMHO that is child abuse. You need to unmask, breath the fresh air, quit watching CNN and MSNBC. And for gods sake please quit masking your children and pushing that shit on other people. Its sick. Please read more. It will do you some good.