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Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related.
My mother passed 2 years ago today. I reported her passing to my county election board the following Monday. After the election on 11/3, I checked and saw that she had voted. She did not vote early or absentee as she had been in hospice with heart failure since April. Based on the published results in her precinct, I would guess her vote went to Biden. I have retained all paperwork on this, including the election board’s acknowledgment of the filing of her passing. I will gladly present this to the proper lawful authority once the right people are in power.
I am sorry for your loss. Be wary of who you share the evidence with, I was a prisoner in a San Francisco sex dungeon frequented by Nancy Pelosi as a child. I eventually escaped but I tried going to the police and they took my statement and never did anything. I am waiting for the right moment when all of the others like me come forward. Q knew of our plight.
As I wrote, I will submit this to the proper authorities once the right people are put in those positions.
Smart move
Oh fren, Sheriffs are ready now. https://greatawakening.win/p/15JAv6gyge/call-to-action-get-your-cast-vot/
Lindell's event was amazing & we only have a short window get the correct data to each of our respective sheriff's. Once the hand count is forced this way, you will hopefully be able to get more action on this fraud.
God speed fren.
edit- window
I am sorry for your loss, Fren.🙏🏻
I also congratulate you for your initiatives which belong to the necessary steps toward a better and juster election system.👍🏻
Sorry about your loss. I'm sure your mom would have wanted you to make it count. Don't let them walk on her.