Judge Reinhart formally rejects DOJ argument to keep Trump affidavit sealed, calls raid 'unprecedented'
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Or maybe he was actually lied to and didn't like being lied to.
Sometimes the bitterest red pills get dispensed when you think you're doing the right thing, but you receive backlash because you did the wrong thing based on a lie.
This is something we should consider more often. Deceiving people to control them is much easier than attempting control through the "I'm more evil than you and if you don't listen you'll regret it method". It works, but it's simply much easier to get people to actually believe your bullshit instead of trying to manage hundreds of people who are in the know about what's actually going on and liable to jump ship at the first sign of trouble.
Then again, there are plenty of genuinely evil people too so it's really about finding out who's who.
Yeah, not saying this was what happened but it's an angle that should be considered. When you control all of the information that a judge gets and demand a warrant for something, that judge may not take kindly to that provided information being a lie to create a weaponized DoJ.
Especially because it's at his expense, and it jeopardizes everything he rules from now on.
or perhaps even he was already white hatted and set this up to bury the DS knowing, or at least expecting, the affidavit was a circular smear. strange times my fren. impossible to know who the good guys are in this movie!
I buy this one.
Blackmail is a helluva drug
Another possibility is whatever the real target for going in there has been retrieved and now he is protecting his professional standing in law and could care less except for himself what happens with the FBI agents. Most times when something political in nature happens you get individual that have reasons that bring them together to do what they did. There could be 2 or more distinct reasons and distinct groups that want the search warrant served and none of the real reason for the search are on the paperwork presented to the judge for the warrant.
Very possible as well. This is what I love about this site. Everyone has a different perspective and interpretation which allows us to really flesh out all the potential reasons for something and consider all possibilities.
when outsiders talk about this community the biggest misunderstanding is the thought that we all agree on everything in regard to the Q posts or other items in the news. there is no consensus and when we try to understand information, we have there is multiple interpretations of whatever facts we have.
This guy had connections to Epstein. He has no morals
Exactly. If he's ruling in a way that appears to be positive for Trump, it's either optics and we can expect a ridiculously redacted affidavit to the point that it's useless, or there's some other ulterior motive at play here.
Short of having flipped, someone with connections to Epstein like his, shouldn't be taken at face value as a good faith actor
Exactly! He’s a POS no doubt, that’s why they used him to sign off on their political search. He’s just trying to look and sound unbiased now, hoping many idiots will buy it.
You don't have to have good morals to dislike being lied to, and -- indeed -- hypocrites have loose morals and hate having things done to them that they do to others..such as lying.
Interesting hypothesis, but probably unlikely. He has one of the most severe cases of TDS I've ever seen. He should've recused himself but didn't. That's very revealing.
He already did in another case a month or so ago....
Trump lawyer calls out judge who approved Mar-a-Lago search warrant for Clinton case
You are right. Thanks for your perspective.