I can narrow it down slightly. It's definitely a being who writes American English. Easy to tell from the spelling and m/d/y dates. It's also a being with specific military training or programming.
("Being" includes ET.) Probably not a computer because it makes typographical and grammatical errors.
You're throwing out the possibility that Q might be an alien? That's certainly interesting. On another forum, I think someone threw that out there but it was dismissed as preposterous. The poster wasn't called an idiot, but the thought was considered out of the realm of possiblity.
I prefer the term, Extra-Terrestrial. Star Family works, too. Galactic is another way to describe them...
But yes, absolutely, the Q Team includes them. Anyone who doesn't think so has no idea who and what we're actually up against.
This is a frequency thing...and the beings with the highest frequency win.
Happily, (very happily) there are some heavy hitters from the highest dimensions who have a vested interest in what takes place here on Earth. The Earth Alliance and White Hats have the help of the Galactic Federation, and we all have the help of the Central races, who basically out-class everyone else in this unfolding.
Best get used to the idea...because disclosure is coming.
Yes, there have been ultra-negative ETs driven by AI at the core of the destruction to our planet and her people, and their time is O V E R.
Trump, Scavino, Patel non-mil.
Lt. Gen Thomas McInerney, Gen Michael Flynn, Chris Miller, Adm Mike Rodgers, Ezra Cohen-Watnock,
If I were a betting woman, I'd put my money on this
I can narrow it down slightly. It's definitely a being who writes American English. Easy to tell from the spelling and m/d/y dates. It's also a being with specific military training or programming.
("Being" includes ET.) Probably not a computer because it makes typographical and grammatical errors.
You're throwing out the possibility that Q might be an alien? That's certainly interesting. On another forum, I think someone threw that out there but it was dismissed as preposterous. The poster wasn't called an idiot, but the thought was considered out of the realm of possiblity.
I prefer the term, Extra-Terrestrial. Star Family works, too. Galactic is another way to describe them...
But yes, absolutely, the Q Team includes them. Anyone who doesn't think so has no idea who and what we're actually up against.
This is a frequency thing...and the beings with the highest frequency win.
Happily, (very happily) there are some heavy hitters from the highest dimensions who have a vested interest in what takes place here on Earth. The Earth Alliance and White Hats have the help of the Galactic Federation, and we all have the help of the Central races, who basically out-class everyone else in this unfolding.
Best get used to the idea...because disclosure is coming.
Yes, there have been ultra-negative ETs driven by AI at the core of the destruction to our planet and her people, and their time is O V E R.