Inspired by ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter: Who do you think Q is? Your top five most likely to be on the team. Let's hear it frens!
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If I were a betting woman, I'd put my money on this
I can narrow it down slightly. It's definitely a being who writes American English. Easy to tell from the spelling and m/d/y dates. It's also a being with specific military training or programming.
("Being" includes ET.) Probably not a computer because it makes typographical and grammatical errors.
Clearly there is a Q "Team". I think General Flynn is doubtful as he lost his position very early on. I also think there was a key member of the team who was close to the President most of the time as evidenced by the time stamps. Also the style is rather consistent and strongly suggests a central figure with military training, big picture skills and exceptional intelligence. The beginning date of the Q posts offers a clue. One man stands out to me but I prefer not to highlight my guess at this point in time.
I would suspect it would be someone completely off the radar.
Something weird with Flynn. The current public Flynn looks like a body double to me. Unknown if the real one is working behind the scenes or got taken out.
You're throwing out the possibility that Q might be an alien? That's certainly interesting. On another forum, I think someone threw that out there but it was dismissed as preposterous. The poster wasn't called an idiot, but the thought was considered out of the realm of possiblity.
I prefer the term, Extra-Terrestrial. Star Family works, too. Galactic is another way to describe them...
But yes, absolutely, the Q Team includes them. Anyone who doesn't think so has no idea who and what we're actually up against.
This is a frequency thing...and the beings with the highest frequency win.
Happily, (very happily) there are some heavy hitters from the highest dimensions who have a vested interest in what takes place here on Earth. The Earth Alliance and White Hats have the help of the Galactic Federation, and we all have the help of the Central races, who basically out-class everyone else in this unfolding.
Best get used to the idea...because disclosure is coming.
Yes, there have been ultra-negative ETs driven by AI at the core of the destruction to our planet and her people, and their time is O V E R.
What evidence do you have that extra terrestrials are on the Q team?
Why would a race that has been traveling the stars for 100,000 years care about what happens here? They have far more important things to do, like protecting their territory.
I lean in that direction myself, even though my logical brain thinks I'm crazy. I tell it to shut up.
Probably dismissed by people who think that we are somehow alone in the universe.
A computer would definitely disguise itself with ungood grammar.