The Ef Be Eye was granted its "powers" with the stroke of a pen. It should be swiftly abolished in the same manner and not one of them kept and every last one permanently banned from public employment since they suck at it. The ones with criminal culpability should be charged, tried, convicted and sent to rot in a fuck you in the ass prison. Their buildings should be demolished and equipment auctioned off. The US Marshal's should take over federal criminal investigations
The Ef Be Eye was granted its "powers" with the stroke of a pen. It should be swiftly abolished in the same manner and not one of them kept and every last one permanently banned from public employment since they suck at it. The ones with criminal culpability should be charged, tried, convicted and sent to rot in a fuck you in the ass prison. Their buildings should be demolished and equipment auctioned off. The US Marshal's should take over federal criminal investigations
eh, I dunno...
didn't Ruby RIdge start with the U.S. Marshals?