So, now... when the libs show up and start "threatening" the board over not allowing the stealth-CRT or groomer curriculum, can you report them to the FBI as domestic terrorists?
Vote, what happens if there's a midnight ballot drop? People like you could have made that steal that much harder, but laze around instead and cost elections to cheating.
So, now... when the libs show up and start "threatening" the board over not allowing the stealth-CRT or groomer curriculum, can you report them to the FBI as domestic terrorists?
Great news!
Thanks for letting us know!
ABCs not LGBTs
Proper job!
They may find this "transition" a bit more difficult. Thank them for providing the necessary inspiration to have their asses handed to them.
Well done.
Miami Dade flipped their school board too! Largest county in America with a conservative school board majority, serving over 300,000 students!!
I woke up and was gonna go vote, but saw that my county was leading Red so I went to the gym instead lol.
You vote anyway! Your vote is much more important than a workout that you can do later.
You can't vote later when the race is lost. NEVER trust the media reporting!!!!!!
Vote, what happens if there's a midnight ballot drop? People like you could have made that steal that much harder, but laze around instead and cost elections to cheating.
Interesting. Is this foreshadowing the mid-term elections? I hope this doesn't happen then.