Take the US Constitution, along with the writings of Hoover scholars, add a heaping helping of the Bible and feed it to the masses on a 432 Hz carrier signal.
But first off, "white" is a catch all to demonize an entire people, intentionally disregarding nationality. What they really mean is Caucasian. So if you still have no issue with cancelling all Caucasoids, then I'll go further.
And are you saying Europeans have no culture, that's saved for "people of color"? Which you'll notice includes everyone aside from the Caucasians.
I'll break it down further in the hopes that you'll understand it better
Are you to tell me Irish people have no culture? Really?
I could go on, but realize when people are forced to defend"white culture", this is what's being spoken about. And it's because it's all been lumped together by those doing the erasing. I surely know that Irish history and Italian history differ. As do the cultures.
But when they're lumped as one in the same, aka white people, this is what happens.
After all of this is over... people will need to have their minds purged of all the crap they've been taught over the years.
Is there such thing as a brain enema?
Take the US Constitution, along with the writings of Hoover scholars, add a heaping helping of the Bible and feed it to the masses on a 432 Hz carrier signal.
They'll never know what hit them.
Make Curb-Stomping Great Again.
So basically it's white people preaching that white people are evil???
If you haven't noticed, white people are actually the worst offenders... Of basically cancelling their own culture.
The irony is completely lost on them
I still don’t know what is white culture. Can you tell me what it is?
In my view.
White culture is common sense. What am I missing?
Oh boy.. fucking hell.
There's two ways of looking at it.
But first off, "white" is a catch all to demonize an entire people, intentionally disregarding nationality. What they really mean is Caucasian. So if you still have no issue with cancelling all Caucasoids, then I'll go further.
And are you saying Europeans have no culture, that's saved for "people of color"? Which you'll notice includes everyone aside from the Caucasians.
I'll break it down further in the hopes that you'll understand it better
Are you to tell me Irish people have no culture? Really?
I could go on, but realize when people are forced to defend"white culture", this is what's being spoken about. And it's because it's all been lumped together by those doing the erasing. I surely know that Irish history and Italian history differ. As do the cultures.
But when they're lumped as one in the same, aka white people, this is what happens.
The culture you are referring to is entrepreneurial. Which is superficial.
Besides the 10 commandments.
Give me a detailed list of what importance or white culture are you talking about?
So then is all culture, right?
Who creates culture?
God did not. He gave all of us the 10 commandments.
You're veering way off the subject, which I expected.
If you don't believe in any culture, then the entire subject is moot.
What I notice about people in culture.
They try to grab things that are common sense and positive. Claim it’s their culture. While leaving everyone else in the dirt.
What is white culture?
I don't buy it. A guy who was let go is selling a line of crap imo.