I used to get really angry, stressed and upset about all of this but after the CDC changing their guidelines and NPC’s not realizing they were duped I have accepted that nothing will change until everything goes to complete shit because normies and NPC’s simply are too brainwashed/stupid and lazy to care.
We can’t stop the money printer going bbbrrrrr so I don’t care about the student loans being forgiven and whatever reckless spending we do anymore. Until it goes to complete shit it can’t get better. The Fed/US dollar has to be destroyed.
Not worried about delta’s, Q time stamps or any of that. Just being prepared, enjoying the decline and will have grand time watching Seattle leftist’s and limousine liberals freak out.
I’ll vote red, I am involved in the local GOP but other then that just enjoying the shit show cause until normies reach the precipice worrying about it is a waste of energy. If you’re awake and prepared you’re way ahead of 90% of the population. So kickback and enjoy the panic of the elites and enjoy the panic of the NPC’s/leftists freaking the fuck out after they lose everything. Enjoy the decline.
Until it goes to complete shit it can’t get better. The Fed/US dollar has to be destroyed.
yes, this is where I'm at
Yep, this will occur. But if WH are in control people's money will be restored to the value it was worth before the massive inflation.
NO way does WH leave people poor after they saved money their entire lives.
I pray that you are right 🙏🏻
Waiting somewhat patiently.