posted ago by enough_of_the_racism ago by enough_of_the_racism +44 / -0

Ever since the November 2020 election and realizing there’s so much more going on, I’ve been picturing the day everything is finished and we get to learn about all our theories amd if all that we talked about was right or wrong.
-Wray was a double agent!
-Biden was an actor and he was just acting demented the whole time!
-Trump knew they cheated and that he won, had the proof, but let Biden in anyway so we could be shown how bad the deep state was! And there’s hundreds of these things, things that aren’t this obvious that we will want to learn about the process. And I’d love to be able to read a book of all the plans and how he tricked the deep state to do this or that. But I don’t see any of that info ever being released because I think to the normies it will come across as one huge prank and letting everybody run around thinking something was going on when something else entirely different was actually going on. They will be left feeling like he deceive the American population. We know why all this is going on but I don’t think most people would understand it and letting this gigantic cat out of the bag would just cause problems and it’s really not going to provide benefit to Trump’s next steps after this movie wraps up. I’m the type of person that wants to KNOW how the magician does the trick. I think, for example, “Biden” will be arrested and taken to Gitmo. They will play the tape of the real Biden’s trial from years ago. Guilty. He gets executed and that is that. No rolling of the credits. No run down of all the clues he was fake (Hey, did y’all notice this part? That was a big crumb we left that no one ever comment on!). And I guess I’m ok with that. It’s all happening which is the important part. In the end, all that matters is God wins!