I hate Nikki Haley. She is unintelligent. Useless. Not articulate. Every time I listened to her speak at the UN the only thing she was good at was using the USA veto to prevent investigations into Israel's crimes against humanity.
The fact you can't blaspheme the United Nations on any social media platform proves they are just pure evil.
Yes and just like the middle east tried to defend their land they were vilified and called all kinds of smear names.
I'm sure patriots trying to defend USA from this Satanic Communist cabal will be called the same. "Terrorists, insurgents, guerilla warriors, etc..." and the narrative will be that the UN is just trying to restore peace and stability for the poor people in the USA who just want their Democracy restored.
Nikki Haley is a piece of Commie Trash. She has a free necktie waiting for her in Gitmo.
Ill donate the rope and build the gallows pro bono.
WEF UN globohomo operative from the beginning...could smell her from the opposite end of the neighborhood when I was in high school...
When she took statues down it was all you needed to know.
I hate Nikki Haley. She is unintelligent. Useless. Not articulate. Every time I listened to her speak at the UN the only thing she was good at was using the USA veto to prevent investigations into Israel's crimes against humanity.
The fact you can't blaspheme the United Nations on any social media platform proves they are just pure evil.
Step out of line & the United Nations will gladly place their blue helmet boots on the ground to bring you "Peace & stability" by squashing those anti-gubmint insurgents. https://www.globaltimes.cn/Portals/0/attachment/2021/2021-08-30/6297a0bf-b53e-475e-bb08-67ad9eb5666b.jpeg
Just lookup UN China blue helmets. China has more officers in the UN army than any other country.
Ive been saying for the last 6 years that the deep state cant wait to call in the blue helmets who will all have chinese features.
Yes and just like the middle east tried to defend their land they were vilified and called all kinds of smear names.
I'm sure patriots trying to defend USA from this Satanic Communist cabal will be called the same. "Terrorists, insurgents, guerilla warriors, etc..." and the narrative will be that the UN is just trying to restore peace and stability for the poor people in the USA who just want their Democracy restored.
Conservative lilke Lizzy Borden Cheney.
Nikki Haley is as much of a conservative as is Kemp and Raffensperger in Georgia