Not if we continually allow them to groom school age children by the hundreds of thousands. Mark my words, within 20 years half the population of western civilization will be trans and/or gay. 90%+ of all blue state educations is grooming and faggotry indoctrination.
The Leftards will Darwin themselves out of existence.
Let’s hope
They're busy converting children to shore up their numbers
Government will take children from any family they can and distribute them to these people.
I'm too grossed out to give out any awards thanks.
Not if we continually allow them to groom school age children by the hundreds of thousands. Mark my words, within 20 years half the population of western civilization will be trans and/or gay. 90%+ of all blue state educations is grooming and faggotry indoctrination.
That's how it works already and why they want to indoctrinate kids.