I guess I specifically think about the coming kingdom. Kingship is a big factor in scripture, but the models of kingship in the fallen world are based on a relative good and evil.
The kinship of Christ, however, will most certainly be different. Not everyone will be Christian, necessarily, as freedom of religion is a pivotal aspect of God's constitution. However, laws that are inconsistent with GOd's principles will never be passed. For example, abortion, or social welfare that is designed to destroy the family, God's institution.
The establishment of government will still be accomplished via self-governance, but just as the US constitution sets out how the nation and government is to function, the Heavenly constitution will outline the principles along which govt must be made.
The US constitution is the closest thing, but it is lacking, having been created by fallen men with a relative understanding of God and God's principles. When Christ clarifies the absolute standard at the Second Coming, a true heavenly government framework will be revealed, and the Kingdom will be implemented both on Earth and in Heaven.
Satan always attempts to realize his distorted version of God's will, for the devil can only build on God's foundation. The One World Government will come, but it will be Christ-centered, and will uphold Godly principles such as freedom, sovereignty of the individual and of the nation, and the preservation of the natural family.
The NWO is a perversion of God's Kingdom. It's the Kingdom of Hell.
I’ve been studying Catholic monarchies & depending on the historian you follow, some will say it’s awful, some say it’s beautiful.
You may or may not be Catholic, but I am. The church is still around after 2,000 years - that is saying something. I’ve been listening to Catholic prophecy about the return of a Holy Monarchy to France & three days of darkness. If you like studying end times prophecy, look into those.
May not be your cup of coffee but there is also something to be said about prophecies that had held on after centuries.
I guess I specifically think about the coming kingdom. Kingship is a big factor in scripture, but the models of kingship in the fallen world are based on a relative good and evil.
The kinship of Christ, however, will most certainly be different. Not everyone will be Christian, necessarily, as freedom of religion is a pivotal aspect of God's constitution. However, laws that are inconsistent with GOd's principles will never be passed. For example, abortion, or social welfare that is designed to destroy the family, God's institution.
The establishment of government will still be accomplished via self-governance, but just as the US constitution sets out how the nation and government is to function, the Heavenly constitution will outline the principles along which govt must be made.
The US constitution is the closest thing, but it is lacking, having been created by fallen men with a relative understanding of God and God's principles. When Christ clarifies the absolute standard at the Second Coming, a true heavenly government framework will be revealed, and the Kingdom will be implemented both on Earth and in Heaven.
Satan always attempts to realize his distorted version of God's will, for the devil can only build on God's foundation. The One World Government will come, but it will be Christ-centered, and will uphold Godly principles such as freedom, sovereignty of the individual and of the nation, and the preservation of the natural family.
The NWO is a perversion of God's Kingdom. It's the Kingdom of Hell.
I’ve been studying Catholic monarchies & depending on the historian you follow, some will say it’s awful, some say it’s beautiful.
You may or may not be Catholic, but I am. The church is still around after 2,000 years - that is saying something. I’ve been listening to Catholic prophecy about the return of a Holy Monarchy to France & three days of darkness. If you like studying end times prophecy, look into those.
May not be your cup of coffee but there is also something to be said about prophecies that had held on after centuries.
Thanks Truth. It's folks like Arch. Vigano who expose the Satanic infiltration and who represent the true spirit of the RCC, if you ask me.
EXACTLY! The Masonic 5th column & their false ‘Novos Ordo’ V2 church.
Dues Vult, brother.