See here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about in something I posted earlier (see here).
Whose side is Bill Maher on?
Who cares? If he's telling the truth in this clip, he's telling the truth in this clip. We need to learn to ignore the messenger and embrace and elevate the message. Shit on Bill when he's wrong, agree with him when he's right. But don't not listen because you think he's the Devil. Or that he works for the Devil. Yes, he might tell a truth like this here and there only to gain credibility in order to tell more lies, but so what? If that's his plan, it will come to naught. "They dug a pit in my path—but they have fallen into it themselves." -Psalms 57:6
If our nation, starting with us, embraces critical thinking, then even if the Devil and his minions smarten up and start telling truth in order to gain credibility to be able to tell more lies, it won't work. You'll see through it. Every time Bill Maher tells a truth, cracks form in the psyche of the slumberers. In order to stay on air, in order to remain credible, the Left has to at least tell a little of the truth, because only then can they remain credible. But this works against them all the same. Nothing can stop what is coming. The Devil and his minions have fallen into quicksand. Every move them make only hastens their demise.
When Maher tells the truth, we should spread it far and wide. When he doesn't, point it out. Stop shooting messengers, attack messages.
To answer what I'm ranting about I suppose I would just have you re-read my comment. Because that's what I'm ranting about.
Reiner's input is indeed entertaining. The whole clip is. I'm not sure what the number of comments in the thread have to do with either of those things though.
I think I get what you're saying. To remain credible they have to report a little truth, which wakes the normies a little. Then to stay credible they have to report MORE truth, which wakes the normies MORE. Then more awakening leads to more truthful news which leads to more awakening. Then the cycle repeats.
Quicksand. Tell only lies and you lose credibility and nobody watches you. Tell all the truth and the Deep State yanks you off the air faster than you can fart. Sneak in some truth in order to keep that credibility and people slowly wake up anyway and see you for what you are and cancel you just the same.
Mainstream media is dying. I see this as a fulfillment of prophecy:
"I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.” Jeremiah 31: 34-35
“They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” Isaiah 11:9
“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14
My audience is anyone who reads this thread. Not just anyone who comments on it. Are you imaginary?
I assume you're just in the mood for a fight and not asking me in good faith, but just in case you are, if you want to know what conflict I'm referring to feel free to navigate your way to the post I linked in my first comment.
But since I don't believe you'll do that, I'll just explain anyway. I got time.
I think there's a trend on the board right now to obsess over who and who are not "our guys." Is Joe Rogan "our guy"? Is Jordan Peterson "our guy"? Is Ron DeSantis? Is Alex Jones? And so on and so forth.
I think it's a fruitless pursuit. I felt this clip of Bill Maher does a great job of illustrating why that is.
Truth is truth regardless of the source. Many here seem eager for someone they can rely to always tell them the truth to keep from having to think for themselves. These people struggle when Q seems to say something that doesn't seem so or doesn't come to pass (at least in the time or way they think it should or wish it would), or when GEOTUS inexplicably refuses to denounce the vaccine.
I think Q is playing a game with society (hence: "shall we play a game?"). A game that's meant to get us to think critically. Not only does he say some things that are seemingly untrue at times in order to bait the Deep State into making mistakes, it also keeps us honest, so that we don't get lazy and start relying on Q or GEOTUS or any one individual to do our thinking for us.
For example: is JFK Jr. really not alive? Q said he wasn't. Do you believe Q? Q also said disinformation was necessary. So could Q have been lying about JFK Jr. because it was necessary? Do we have any choice but to wonder now given that fact? I sometimes see people say "Q said X, therefore it is so." How do they square the 'disinformation is necessary' comment then? Why are they treating Q's words as gospel when Q seemed to suggest that Q might not always tell the truth for apparently tactical reasons (actually he never mentioned the nature of the reasons, he merely said it was 'necessary' so that could mean all kinds of things couldn't it?) so do you believe him or not?
And thus...Q gets us to think critically.
Is that really a conflict you don't think exists, or are you just looking for a cheap argument with someone you think is an easy target because the post he's commenting on has very few other comments other than, ironically, yours?
I honestly can't tell if you're serious or not. How in the hell did anything I just say "cover for Reiner"? The guy is a complete and utter dipshit. "Armed attack on the Capitol with the intent to kill lawmakers"? Who in their right mind thinks that's what happened on January 6th? The guy is obviously either fucking retarded or...honestly I don't even know what to think about him and what he said. I didn't even think that was the point of the clip though. I thought it was to point out that lefty mcleftist Bill Maher was agreeing with the fact that the FBI had no legal basis for raiding Trump's house.
What's your angle, dude? Is this like...your thing?
Imma check out your post history. I smell troll.
*edit - Nah I checked your history. You seem legit enough to me. Seems like your replies are generally honest and not troll-like. So...what is this? You just in a weird mood?
I tried to watch this. Ladies and gentlemen, if the deep state wants a civil war they should let meathead loose on the public. Listening to him talk makes me want to hurt liberals.I know its wrong. I just can't rise above.
Still trying to figure out how Trump's administration was so evil. How can they look at what happened under Trump, compare it to what Biden is doing, and call Trump evil? Talk about projection.
See here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about in something I posted earlier (see here).
Whose side is Bill Maher on?
Who cares? If he's telling the truth in this clip, he's telling the truth in this clip. We need to learn to ignore the messenger and embrace and elevate the message. Shit on Bill when he's wrong, agree with him when he's right. But don't not listen because you think he's the Devil. Or that he works for the Devil. Yes, he might tell a truth like this here and there only to gain credibility in order to tell more lies, but so what? If that's his plan, it will come to naught. "They dug a pit in my path—but they have fallen into it themselves." -Psalms 57:6
If our nation, starting with us, embraces critical thinking, then even if the Devil and his minions smarten up and start telling truth in order to gain credibility to be able to tell more lies, it won't work. You'll see through it. Every time Bill Maher tells a truth, cracks form in the psyche of the slumberers. In order to stay on air, in order to remain credible, the Left has to at least tell a little of the truth, because only then can they remain credible. But this works against them all the same. Nothing can stop what is coming. The Devil and his minions have fallen into quicksand. Every move them make only hastens their demise.
When Maher tells the truth, we should spread it far and wide. When he doesn't, point it out. Stop shooting messengers, attack messages.
To answer what I'm ranting about I suppose I would just have you re-read my comment. Because that's what I'm ranting about.
Reiner's input is indeed entertaining. The whole clip is. I'm not sure what the number of comments in the thread have to do with either of those things though.
I think I get what you're saying. To remain credible they have to report a little truth, which wakes the normies a little. Then to stay credible they have to report MORE truth, which wakes the normies MORE. Then more awakening leads to more truthful news which leads to more awakening. Then the cycle repeats.
Quicksand. Tell only lies and you lose credibility and nobody watches you. Tell all the truth and the Deep State yanks you off the air faster than you can fart. Sneak in some truth in order to keep that credibility and people slowly wake up anyway and see you for what you are and cancel you just the same.
Mainstream media is dying. I see this as a fulfillment of prophecy:
"I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest.” Jeremiah 31: 34-35
“They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” Isaiah 11:9
“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14
My audience is anyone who reads this thread. Not just anyone who comments on it. Are you imaginary?
I assume you're just in the mood for a fight and not asking me in good faith, but just in case you are, if you want to know what conflict I'm referring to feel free to navigate your way to the post I linked in my first comment.
But since I don't believe you'll do that, I'll just explain anyway. I got time.
I think there's a trend on the board right now to obsess over who and who are not "our guys." Is Joe Rogan "our guy"? Is Jordan Peterson "our guy"? Is Ron DeSantis? Is Alex Jones? And so on and so forth.
I think it's a fruitless pursuit. I felt this clip of Bill Maher does a great job of illustrating why that is.
Truth is truth regardless of the source. Many here seem eager for someone they can rely to always tell them the truth to keep from having to think for themselves. These people struggle when Q seems to say something that doesn't seem so or doesn't come to pass (at least in the time or way they think it should or wish it would), or when GEOTUS inexplicably refuses to denounce the vaccine.
I think Q is playing a game with society (hence: "shall we play a game?"). A game that's meant to get us to think critically. Not only does he say some things that are seemingly untrue at times in order to bait the Deep State into making mistakes, it also keeps us honest, so that we don't get lazy and start relying on Q or GEOTUS or any one individual to do our thinking for us.
For example: is JFK Jr. really not alive? Q said he wasn't. Do you believe Q? Q also said disinformation was necessary. So could Q have been lying about JFK Jr. because it was necessary? Do we have any choice but to wonder now given that fact? I sometimes see people say "Q said X, therefore it is so." How do they square the 'disinformation is necessary' comment then? Why are they treating Q's words as gospel when Q seemed to suggest that Q might not always tell the truth for apparently tactical reasons (actually he never mentioned the nature of the reasons, he merely said it was 'necessary' so that could mean all kinds of things couldn't it?) so do you believe him or not?
And thus...Q gets us to think critically.
Is that really a conflict you don't think exists, or are you just looking for a cheap argument with someone you think is an easy target because the post he's commenting on has very few other comments other than, ironically, yours?
I honestly can't tell if you're serious or not. How in the hell did anything I just say "cover for Reiner"? The guy is a complete and utter dipshit. "Armed attack on the Capitol with the intent to kill lawmakers"? Who in their right mind thinks that's what happened on January 6th? The guy is obviously either fucking retarded or...honestly I don't even know what to think about him and what he said. I didn't even think that was the point of the clip though. I thought it was to point out that lefty mcleftist Bill Maher was agreeing with the fact that the FBI had no legal basis for raiding Trump's house.
What's your angle, dude? Is this like...your thing?
Imma check out your post history. I smell troll.
*edit - Nah I checked your history. You seem legit enough to me. Seems like your replies are generally honest and not troll-like. So...what is this? You just in a weird mood?
I tried to watch this. Ladies and gentlemen, if the deep state wants a civil war they should let meathead loose on the public. Listening to him talk makes me want to hurt liberals.I know its wrong. I just can't rise above.
Still trying to figure out how Trump's administration was so evil. How can they look at what happened under Trump, compare it to what Biden is doing, and call Trump evil? Talk about projection.
Trump was evil because he was chipping away at the Cabal.
Pravda has repeated this lie ad nauseum so now the sheep all believe it, too.