I've always said why does the Earth look so small from the moon considering the size difference??.....It looks the same size as when you look at the Moon from the Earth.....
That picture is not even close to being to scale. Artistic renditions of objects in space sometimes take out the space in between objects so that you can see everything in one frame. Otherwise you'd be scrolling through several pages of nothing. See the second link in my comment above to see the actual Earth-Moon distance.
Here's a link to a page that displays the whole Solar System at the scale of the moon being 1 pixel wide:
I've always said why does the Earth look so small from the moon considering the size difference??.....It looks the same size as when you look at the Moon from the Earth.....
Good question.
The Earth as seen from the Moon looks a lot bigger than the Moon does from the Earth.
Also, people consistently underestimate how far apart the Moon is from the Earth.
(Have to scroll down a bit on the second link to get to the relevant pic).
The Earth should never look as small as from the moon... https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2dccdab72516a6a1674c98b6f112610b
That picture is not even close to being to scale. Artistic renditions of objects in space sometimes take out the space in between objects so that you can see everything in one frame. Otherwise you'd be scrolling through several pages of nothing. See the second link in my comment above to see the actual Earth-Moon distance.
Here's a link to a page that displays the whole Solar System at the scale of the moon being 1 pixel wide:
Thank you for that, however, I'm not convinced either way....Its all absolute BS on a grand scale...
I found just what i was looking for...Just been posted by another anon...👌👌 https://greatawakening.win/p/15JTkTRCGi/proof-apollo-11-was-100-real--bi/c/
My Whole point is that whenever they show a picture of the Earth from the Moon or Vice versa, they are always the same size which cannot be.