I said we don't need to go back to the moon. I didn't say NASA doesn't want to go back. I was refuting the idiot who said that we can't go to the moon for some retarded reason.
Of course I don't believe that I'm right about everything. I do, however, put as much thought and careful reasoning behind what I believe as I can, and expect others to do the same (especially in this community).
However, in this thread, the people trying to deny that we've been to moon aren't reading what I'm saying. The first person claimed people have told him that we can't go back to the moon. I questioned this notion, pointing out the difference between can't and won't. Then the other person chimed in with a misleading Forbes article. The headline sensationally says we lost the ability to travel to the moon, when the actual article says that we just can't build the original rockets anymore. Those are not the same thing, and it's clear that moon landing deniers take the headline and run with it without stopping to actually understand the article, which didn't refute my point in the slightest the way he thinks it does.
I'm not mad at flat earthers and moon landing deniers for believing what they believe, I'm frustrated at the fact that they don't display basic reading comprehension. They cherry pick data and headlines to support their beliefs, and put forward exceptionally irrational arguments. None of these practices are healthy for the Q/Truther movement; it will decrease our ability to accurately pursue truth, and turn away those who take a look at this movement and witness such lack of basic reasoning.
Moon landing deniers: "NASA isn't a credible source of info."
Also moon landing deniers: "HeRe'S a LiNk FrOm FoRbEs!!"
The "mentally challenged person" I was replying to earlier said that we lost the tech to fly to the moon, despite the fact that we allegedly "figured it out with slide rulers" the first time we went. Ironically, the very article you cite perfectly explains his objections. We didn't "lose the tech" we just shut down the means of manufacturing the old tech to focus on other endeavors. In addition, rockets built today are significantly more advanced then the rockets from the Space Race, so we're not just rebuilding old equipment, we're pioneering new tech.
Watching moon landing deniers and flat earthers accidentally refute themselves is so entertaining. Please, continue.
Reverting to flat earth accusations is in poor form. I've been called a flat earther for being anti-vax. Now you're doing it because I question the moon landing. It's easy to do but shows the debater you are. Accuse someone of something totally irrelevant because it makes them look bad.
The Forbes article comes from the folks you are defending. I'm not into Forbes but if you like NASA and that sort of stuff, then by their own admission, they threw out all the plans one day during spring cleaning.
NASA disagrees with you:
I said we don't need to go back to the moon. I didn't say NASA doesn't want to go back. I was refuting the idiot who said that we can't go to the moon for some retarded reason.
Please develop some reading comprehension.
Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they don't understand what you wrote.
Ever consider that, or is everybody who disagrees with you a retarded idiot because you're right about everything?
Of course I don't believe that I'm right about everything. I do, however, put as much thought and careful reasoning behind what I believe as I can, and expect others to do the same (especially in this community).
However, in this thread, the people trying to deny that we've been to moon aren't reading what I'm saying. The first person claimed people have told him that we can't go back to the moon. I questioned this notion, pointing out the difference between can't and won't. Then the other person chimed in with a misleading Forbes article. The headline sensationally says we lost the ability to travel to the moon, when the actual article says that we just can't build the original rockets anymore. Those are not the same thing, and it's clear that moon landing deniers take the headline and run with it without stopping to actually understand the article, which didn't refute my point in the slightest the way he thinks it does.
I'm not mad at flat earthers and moon landing deniers for believing what they believe, I'm frustrated at the fact that they don't display basic reading comprehension. They cherry pick data and headlines to support their beliefs, and put forward exceptionally irrational arguments. None of these practices are healthy for the Q/Truther movement; it will decrease our ability to accurately pursue truth, and turn away those who take a look at this movement and witness such lack of basic reasoning.
"Who on earth is saying that we can’t go back today? We could if we wanted to..."
"was refuting the idiot..."
Chill out.
Moon landing deniers: "NASA isn't a credible source of info."
Also moon landing deniers: "HeRe'S a LiNk FrOm FoRbEs!!"
The "mentally challenged person" I was replying to earlier said that we lost the tech to fly to the moon, despite the fact that we allegedly "figured it out with slide rulers" the first time we went. Ironically, the very article you cite perfectly explains his objections. We didn't "lose the tech" we just shut down the means of manufacturing the old tech to focus on other endeavors. In addition, rockets built today are significantly more advanced then the rockets from the Space Race, so we're not just rebuilding old equipment, we're pioneering new tech.
Watching moon landing deniers and flat earthers accidentally refute themselves is so entertaining. Please, continue.
Reverting to flat earth accusations is in poor form. I've been called a flat earther for being anti-vax. Now you're doing it because I question the moon landing. It's easy to do but shows the debater you are. Accuse someone of something totally irrelevant because it makes them look bad.
The Forbes article comes from the folks you are defending. I'm not into Forbes but if you like NASA and that sort of stuff, then by their own admission, they threw out all the plans one day during spring cleaning.