Write-ins announced. Marshall Usher and Shannon Walker. Two unknowns. Usher was a spokesperson for Blystone, hardly a selling point. I loved Blystone and am convinced he was cheated. WHY is no one examining this Primary??? Anyway, Shannon may not even be eligible as he was on Primary ballot in another race.
Yea, Joe Blystone is who he should have gotten behind. Not this piece of shit DeRino that locked down Ohio for two years. Trump also endorsed JD Vance for Senate from Ohio who still is fumbling his campaign to take over Portman's spot. Is Vance still in Israel? No one in Ohio has seen him on a campaign trail. Not a good look.
It looks to me like Vance had to bow down to Wexner to live and agreed to take a dive in this race. I have friends in politics, he's been invited to all kinds of events and his campaign doesn't even answer.
It's this kind of Israel-First pandering that makes me lose all of my hope for anything changing ever and makes me super blackpilled and accept that there is sadly NO political solution.
anonymous sources lol are you new?
A write-in candidate for Gov is supposed to be announced later today. I know, huge, huge, long shot. But do not underestimate just how angry we are!
Write-ins announced. Marshall Usher and Shannon Walker. Two unknowns. Usher was a spokesperson for Blystone, hardly a selling point. I loved Blystone and am convinced he was cheated. WHY is no one examining this Primary??? Anyway, Shannon may not even be eligible as he was on Primary ballot in another race.
DeWine is a Doooooooooosh. I guess the philosophy is "Better a Dooooosh You Know Than One You Don't".
Yea, Joe Blystone is who he should have gotten behind. Not this piece of shit DeRino that locked down Ohio for two years. Trump also endorsed JD Vance for Senate from Ohio who still is fumbling his campaign to take over Portman's spot. Is Vance still in Israel? No one in Ohio has seen him on a campaign trail. Not a good look.
It looks to me like Vance had to bow down to Wexner to live and agreed to take a dive in this race. I have friends in politics, he's been invited to all kinds of events and his campaign doesn't even answer.
It's this kind of Israel-First pandering that makes me lose all of my hope for anything changing ever and makes me super blackpilled and accept that there is sadly NO political solution.
Its a damn shame Ohio has to chose between a bought and paid for monkey-boy like Dewine, and a shitbag Democrat, but whatreyagonna do?
Ohio has no choices in any of the races. Yost and LaRose virtually unopposed. The DeWine crime family.
LOL -- Sometimes ya'll need to recognize satire and fun sarcasm.
He is "endorsing" people to piss them off. -- last week it was Jerry Nadler, I mean c'mon man LMAO
At the same time bragging about his win rate no one is going to get the joke. DeWine isn't any more Republican than Nads.
Presses X to Doubt