It a slippery slope argument. Accepting gays led other, less desirable groups to push for acceptance also. It was predicted and it has come to pass. Many in the gay community are now attempting to decouple from other, less respectable groups.
I don't have a problem with gays. I believe adults can do whatever they want with whoever they want, but why would anyone celebrate it? It's a deviant sexual behavior, not an ethnicity. Do what you want in the privacy of your own home. Don't expect others to celebrate the lifestyle.
It's obvious that males are not intended to be attracted sexually to other males, or females to females. Sex is about reproduction. Reproduction cannot occur in same-sex couples. Homosexuality guarantees that the genes of the individual are not passed on to the next generation. If homosexuality is in our genes, it should be disappearing from the gene pool, not proliferating. There should be fewer homosexuals each generation, not more. Therefore, either homosexuality is a choice, or it is some sort of illness or injury that is being inflicted on an increasing number of humans. I wouldn't be surprised if it were discovered that environmental toxins, vaccines, pesticides, etc. are causing physiological changes that are driving up the number of people who claim to be homosexual. Who knows, maybe these globalist assholes are doing it on purpose. Causing more of the population to be homosexual would definitely help to reduce population growth.
See my other comments in this thread about the specific emergence of Queer Theory that stemmed from post-postmodern academia. It's a social engineering program to reshape culture in terms of power struggles and blurring of boundaries. They are leveraging the homosexual experience as a power play in this regard, but that is in no sense the same thing as every gay member of society who's not viewing themselves as a special protected class, who's just willing to not shy away or deny it but talk about their experience with whoever cares to listen, agenda free.
I wouldn't be surprised if it were discovered that environmental toxins, vaccines, pesticides, etc. are causing physiological changes that are driving up the number of people who claim to be homosexual.
This is most certainly the case, just like (real) trans the prevalence has become less rare. But don't focus entirely on that, keep in mind that heterosexual populations are undergoing a massive pandemic of infertility in recent years.
It a slippery slope argument. Accepting gays led other, less desirable groups to push for acceptance also. It was predicted and it has come to pass. Many in the gay community are now attempting to decouple from other, less respectable groups.
I don't have a problem with gays. I believe adults can do whatever they want with whoever they want, but why would anyone celebrate it? It's a deviant sexual behavior, not an ethnicity. Do what you want in the privacy of your own home. Don't expect others to celebrate the lifestyle.
It's obvious that males are not intended to be attracted sexually to other males, or females to females. Sex is about reproduction. Reproduction cannot occur in same-sex couples. Homosexuality guarantees that the genes of the individual are not passed on to the next generation. If homosexuality is in our genes, it should be disappearing from the gene pool, not proliferating. There should be fewer homosexuals each generation, not more. Therefore, either homosexuality is a choice, or it is some sort of illness or injury that is being inflicted on an increasing number of humans. I wouldn't be surprised if it were discovered that environmental toxins, vaccines, pesticides, etc. are causing physiological changes that are driving up the number of people who claim to be homosexual. Who knows, maybe these globalist assholes are doing it on purpose. Causing more of the population to be homosexual would definitely help to reduce population growth.
See my other comments in this thread about the specific emergence of Queer Theory that stemmed from post-postmodern academia. It's a social engineering program to reshape culture in terms of power struggles and blurring of boundaries. They are leveraging the homosexual experience as a power play in this regard, but that is in no sense the same thing as every gay member of society who's not viewing themselves as a special protected class, who's just willing to not shy away or deny it but talk about their experience with whoever cares to listen, agenda free.
This is most certainly the case, just like (real) trans the prevalence has become less rare. But don't focus entirely on that, keep in mind that heterosexual populations are undergoing a massive pandemic of infertility in recent years.