so whens does MSM start reporting on this ? I dont see anything happening until MSM gets resolved. Normies, and there are many more of them than there are us, will never buy into it. This has been going on waaay too long with nothing being shown on MSM. Not trying to doom, just things noticed since following before the election. All we get is all talk no action. Action needs to be shown and seen to everyone
When Trump is in office and orders the commandeering of all media communications for the purpose of educating the populace. I'd like it if social media platforms were converted to public utilities and commandeered for this purpose as well. Dippy videos of idiots dancing in their pajamas can wait; we have a nation to save.
Normlingtons need several months of 24/7 education (meaning nothing else available on cable or radio) as to the massive systemic fraud perpetrated against them and the reality of what they have been living through: systemic deliberate fraud so shockingly horrific and on a scale so inconceivably vast that there are no comparisons, no frame of reference for normies to wrap their wits around. Saying "Watergate times a billion" is meaningless, but it's worse than even that.
This ^ I agree with. I'm sure the normie count is different depending on area, but with MSM and local radio spewing the same shit over and over 24-7, its going to take about a decade before they will accept the TRUTH
so whens does MSM start reporting on this ? I dont see anything happening until MSM gets resolved. Normies, and there are many more of them than there are us, will never buy into it. This has been going on waaay too long with nothing being shown on MSM. Not trying to doom, just things noticed since following before the election. All we get is all talk no action. Action needs to be shown and seen to everyone
When Trump is in office and orders the commandeering of all media communications for the purpose of educating the populace. I'd like it if social media platforms were converted to public utilities and commandeered for this purpose as well. Dippy videos of idiots dancing in their pajamas can wait; we have a nation to save.
Normlingtons need several months of 24/7 education (meaning nothing else available on cable or radio) as to the massive systemic fraud perpetrated against them and the reality of what they have been living through: systemic deliberate fraud so shockingly horrific and on a scale so inconceivably vast that there are no comparisons, no frame of reference for normies to wrap their wits around. Saying "Watergate times a billion" is meaningless, but it's worse than even that.
This ^ I agree with. I'm sure the normie count is different depending on area, but with MSM and local radio spewing the same shit over and over 24-7, its going to take about a decade before they will accept the TRUTH
When you need to say not trying to doom you are.
nope. Its only my observations