posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +26 / -1

... and the Fifth, but we'll get to that.

Entertain my rambling, and let's think about this with fresh eyes.

Forget all the nonsense, cult, and mainstream things you know about the Four Elements.

That is, forget about what you know of Earth, Wind/Air, Water and Fire.

In Esoteric Alchemy, these are understood as nothing more than the "secondary" colors of the elemental color wheel.

Just as we have Red, Yellow, and Blue which combine with one another to form Green, Orange, and Purple, we also have the same situation with the Four Elements; where Earth, Air, Water, and Fire are like the Green, Orange, and Purple.

They are Elements, sure, but are actually a combination of the Four Radicals.

Does that have your interests piqued?

Alright, then let me explain what the Four Radicals are...

The Four Radicals are Radical Wet, Radical Dry, Radical Hot and Radical Cold.

But Wet and Dry aren't what you think -- as something pertaining to water.

Wet and Dry refer more accurately to the density of an object. It's "saturation" with the Universal Substance, rather than with H2O.

Now, I know I've lost 90% of you with this, so let me explain using Tesla's favorite subject.

Music. Frequency. Vibration.

What is the nature of a measure of music?

Well, a song can consist of a ton of short notes crammed together or a few long, drawn out notes right?

Likewise, we can also take both the crammed and long notes and simply play them at a faster tempo.


At a point, the short, crammed notes played at a fast tempo play together so tightly it begins to sound like a single note.

We measure that nature with the wah-wah of a Sine note.


That's frequency anyways.

And all this is also true for Physical Nature, not just in the forces of acoustics.

Materials can be:

  • Low in Tempo, Low in note Density.
  • Low in Tempo, High in note Density.
  • High in Tempo, Low in note Density.
  • High in Tempo, High in note Density.

This is what can be called a complete Module. Two parts when taken in different intensities form a Graphical Spectrum, like AI heat maps.

And where you land on that map determines your chemical, material, and generally physical nature.

Instead of Tempo, we have Temperature. Hot vs Cold.

Instead of note Density, we have our typical understanding of Density. Tight vs Loose.

However, this secondary aspect, again, is less about packing density and more about Saturation. Like a sponge.

A sponge is more dense when saturated. A sponge is less dense when unsaturated. Wet = More Dense, Dry = Less Dense.

Once again, using the new terms:

  • Low in Temperature, Low in Density.
  • Low in Temperature, High in Density.
  • High in Temperature, Low in Density.
  • High in Temperature, High in Density.

When something is Hot and Dry (Loose), we call it Fire.

When something is Hot and Wet (Dense), we call it Air.

When something is Cold and Dry, we call it Earth.

When something is Cold and Wet, we call it Water.

Furthermore, there are Midpoints between Temperatures and Density.

For example, the midpoint between Wet and Dry is referred to as Moist.

The midpoint between Hot and Cold is referred to as Temperate.

Or Temperament, if you prefer...

Whereas Hot and Cold are Radical, Temperate is the point between two Radicals which is definitively neither Hot nor Cold, as to be its own.

Same with Wet and Dry, where the midpoint is considered Moist.

Therein lies the secret to Life.

Life is found at the balance of perfect Temperature and perfect Moisture.

Where else can life begin to grow than in a suitably Moist and evenly Warm Soil?

If the ground is too cold or too hot, Life will not grow.

If the ground is too loose or too tight, Life will not grow.

Life, therefore, requires an element BETWEEN all other elements in order to take hold.


The Quintessence.

The Thing between all Things.

Something that is neither definitively Hot nor Cold; Wet nor Dry.

Such that it can be said to be neither Hot nor Cold; Wet nor Dry.

But its own Thing entirely.

And all it takes is a little push in any direction and it can change its nature any way you see fit. Add the smallest of Wet and it becomes definitively Wet. Add the smallest of heat and it becomes Hot.

True Revelation comes when we determine this Essence is Preeminent.

That is, it comes BEFORE Hot and Cold; Wet and Dry.

That those Four are partitions of the Fifth Element.

One divided into Four.

Which in total, including their progenitor, produce Five.

And so, the Fifth Order of Creation is the Order of Life. Of Growth.

Where Four is the Foundation for the Fifth to take hold, like Soil is to the Plant.

Within each of these Five, exist the Three and the Two.

The Two are simply the Duality we have already covered -- of Hot vs Cold, Wet vs Dry.

The Three are always the Body, Mind and Soul of a thing.

That is to say, the Instance, the Blueprint, and the Purpose, respectively.

The Soul is the Purpose.

To fulfill the Purpose, one must develop the Blueprint.

To fulfill the Blueprint, one must make an Instance.

Together, they form the final Design. A Holy Trinity.

Father, Son, Spirit.

The Father is the Soul, whose Purpose is his own. Son is the Instance, the inheritor of the Father's Purpose, and the Spirit is the Blueprint which connects them.

These Three form a Substance, which pervades all Elements and Radicals.

But, now I'm rambling in numbers.

I apologize to those who are lost, but this is the Truth in our World. Revealed by Numbers which compound in all things, expressly in shape and form.

Now, back to the Elements.

The Elements, therefore, have Triune interpretation.

Earth is not a lump of soil.

Earth means so much more than that.

Earth is the Womb. Where Life takes hold.

When you wake up each morning and feel the comfort of your bed, you experience the embrace of the Earth.

When you are home and enjoying yourself, that is the embrace of the Earth.

When you are among friends and family, that is the embrace of the Earth.

When you find yourself confident in your abilities based on a firm foundation of practice and knowledge, that is the embrace of the Earth.


Air/Wind is not just a gust of air.

Air is the atmosphere. The Climate. The sway to and from.

When you breathe deeply, preparing yourself for the anticipation of a new day, that is the embrace of the Air.

When you look forward and back to that which has been and will yet be, that is the embrace of the Air.

When you smell the sweet scent of nostalgia, that is the embrace of Air.

When you speak among friends, and they hear your words of enlightenment like a thunderbolt striking their minds, that is the embrace of Air.

When you find yourself at peace in a place of turmoil, that is the embrace of Air telling you to be like a leaf on its bosom.


Water is not just clear wet stuff good for drinking.

Water is the great equalizer. It's where all things can find themselves Cleaned. Baptize, which means "To Dip".

When you find yourself wanting to start fresh and anew, that is the embrace of Water.

When you find yourself spreading about and multitasking, that is the embrace of Water.

When you find yourself lost on a sea of emotions, but know the stars are there to guide you, that is the embrace of Water.

When you drink deeply and feel refreshed, as a hope when spotting an oasis among the desert dunes, that is the embrace of Water.

When you look upon your reflection and see yourself as you truly are, that is the embrace of Water.


Fire is not just hot stuff.

Fire is the Matrimony. The Passion.

When you are filled with resolve to keep going despite everything trying to extinguish your resolve, that is the embrace of Fire.

When you discover what you truly Love in Life, and seek to pursue it at all costs, that is the embrace of Fire.

When you take two things and join them in a permanent marriage, where two become one in glorious effigy, that is the embrace of Fire.

When you achieve the greatest heights, and witness that thing with no shadow and cannot be grasped, that is the embrace of Fire.

When you are filled with a Passion to carry a torch for those who come next, that is the embrace of Fire.

That is to say...

Earth, Air, Water, and Fire are all aspects of the Holy Spirit.

The forces of Nature which sway the Body, and Soul.

The Blueprint of Mind which connects the Body to the Soul, and lets you feel emotions greater than can be expressed with mere words.

The thing that inspires the Music of Life.

The Substance of God, which Saturates all things evenly.


This is what the Four Elements truly represent.

Not some archaic notion of dirt, breezes, waves and torches.

They are different Knots by which the Fabric of the Universe is woven.

I would leave it there, but you must understand how far this goes...

You might be asking "What does this have to do with Q?"

Because, this explanation is directly involved with their Occult Symbolism.

The Swastika. The Iron Cross. The Star of David (Seal of Solomon).

They are all interpretation of the Four Elements and the Four Radicals.

  • The Swastika represents the Four Radicals Converging at the sides to become Four Elements and then coalescing into the Fifth Element.

  • The Iron Cross represents the Four Elements coming together to form the One, Quintessence.

  • The Star of David (Seal of Solomon) represents the Above and Below, the Duality of Hot vs Cold, Wet vs Dry coming together to form the Balance.


When you see these symbols, among many more, know that they are all interpretations of the same ideal.

Like different languages developing different words for the same thing.

The Idea itself is Preeminent.

The Union of the Elements into a Singular Whole predates language.

It is inherent of the World, and the Fabric of the Universe.

All things bend to these interpretations.

This is the Truth behind the Elements.

This is what they are hiding from us.

Because within this knowledge lies the recipe to Create all things and fight back against Entropy.

The Manifest Destiny.