The News From Ukraine/Russia Has Moved To A New Level. Updates are flooding into the Military channels. Now We Know Why Boris Johnson Was In Ukraine Last Week.
Duck & Cover

To be honest, I do try to keep up with you guys. But with all the initialized names used nowadays, I can no longer understand a lot of posts, and spend more time trying to figure out the abbreviation than absorbing the article. Of course, common ones are easy, but a courtesy for easy absorption of a statement would be to spell out the name first with the abbreviation following, and then use the abbreviation in the remainder of the statement. Thanks from an old guy.
I will second the motion. My career was filled with acronyms, and it even got to the absurdity that a single acronym would stand for over a dozen separate meanings. So the etiquette is to unwrap the acronym the first time it is used, if it is used more than once (and not to use it, except parenthetically, if it is used only once).
Here's the point: In communication, you do everything possible to make it clear to the reader. Or why the hell are you bothering to communicate?