This is an open discussion on anything relating to the Deltas for today.
I stopped posting these because I wasn't getting any community involvement in them. It was just me analyzing, and some days there's a ton of them with a lot of depth.
I'm starting it up again, but I'd really like our other frogs out there to provide some input when they can.
So please give us your comments and input! All is appreciated! 😊
So, being a newbie to this. How do you, a. Find the q clock? B. Read it? C. Find the 180° mirror and read it? If you don't mind pointing me in the correct direction. Thank you.
Great question.
The clock has 60 "minute" positions or rays. Each day that we advance from when Q said "Start the Clock" (Post 1441 on June 10, 2018) the clock advances one minute. Each minute of the clock that Q made a post on usually relates to other posts that fall on the same minute.
We were also told to "think mirror" which when applied to the current minute on the clock, creates a reflection on to other minutes which include additional posts.
Once a full rotation passes (60 minutes) another outward layer is added. Some assume that the phrase "Done in 30" refers to 30 cycles of the clock. Therefore 30 X 60 = 1,800 days, or May 15, 2023. 🤷♂️ But this is only speculation and there is some uncertainty about when the clock really started. Apparently we have at least another 18 months to expose the cabal and restore the Republic if you consider the years mentioned in post u/#q3387 .
That's good feedback. I'll include the video link in my future comments:
How to Read the Q-Clock
Wait, just a newbie probably duh question. But wouldn't done in 30 have to do with the MAL raid? Cleaning? Idk just asking?
Everything provided by Q has "Plausible Deniability".
In other words, they can't divulge top secret info / plans directly, but if they word things as questions and double meanings, they reduce the risks to the operation.
Also, if we figure out something that will occur on an exact date (date-fagging) the bad guys can ALSO figure it out and make countermoves to damage Patriot efforts. It is very frustrating when we speculate on dates and they become a nothing burger, but keep in mind, the enemy probably had to waste some ammo / distractions / assets just in case something WAS going to happen.
Regarding Mar-a-lago, some things DO align with the August 8th raid (look at the text number), but counting days from then is mostly speculation for the reasons I mentioned.
So, assuming, what your saying is .. date fagging, by us, makes them use ammo early? In some cases, Maybe not all? I totally get the text number. Does this make them use the 2 day ahead?
Thank you so very much! I would have never figured this out. I really appreciate you. I'll be sure to watch. So Much to learn. Thank you again. I saved this.
Oh wow! That's awesome info! Thanks. Ill def he racking my brain.