Sitting with a bunch of liberals. They are talking about their friends health issue. "How many people in your circle can get sick at once?!"
The one thing in common, they all got the clot shot.
Sorry folks. We tried to warn you.
Sitting with a bunch of liberals. They are talking about their friends health issue. "How many people in your circle can get sick at once?!"
The one thing in common, they all got the clot shot.
Sorry folks. We tried to warn you.
King James much?
Nice deepstate propaganda you are spouting there.
2000 years of the deepstate fucking with that book and every other translation and we are about to find out how much they have deceived you all, depsite the broad story arc ringing true.
Spolier:- It's a lot.
Will Demon James be exposed through this as well? Will we make that far back? I keep wondering and waiting, what will have to happen to expose the depths of evil that has written & ruled our theology for centuries. The Pope / Vatican is the thread that needs pulled, that will unravel the rest of the story.
Oh it's coming, followed by a huge crisis of faith for those who have imbibed the religious dogma.
It will be awesome !
The real truth will make the world's organized religions all look so small, even microscopic by comparison.
Of course KJV has been messed with. The whole notion that we need to consult ancient texts to know what is within seems strange to me.
Spirituality is knowledge of yourself, it is to be experienced and known directly from your own personal experience. It is not to be interpreted or intermediated by stuffed shirt, pedo infested, fake men of the cloth. You are supposed to seek spiritual knowledge out yourself and find your own answers to the great questions of life.
The answers from organized religion are, frankly, childish and infinitesimally small compared to my own expansive experiences of love and awe, hallucinogens and meditation.
Why is it always Christians who rail against this? It is part of their indoctrination.
It is to be a fool to believe what you do not know directly yourself. It is to be a fool to disbelieve what you do not know directly yourself.
The Church is on it's last legs, as to the other questions, I have no idea.
Responding with love not hate is how we make the real difference. Responding in slurs, hatred, and threats will fix nothing. It only makes the crazy liberals get crazier.
When you place your mind in the frequency of hate you join their side. It's not clear at first but eventually you will begin to realize this truth. For many here this is the real awakening.
Kumbaya ! Half the battle is knowing, the other half is violence.
I know what you are getting at is true (apart from it making me be on the other side),that it does not help me.
As I have discussed elsewhere in threads, all healing for me starts after this problem is fixed. I plan on moving to the country with my girlfriend and although I don't intend on carrying hate long, I don't feel anything for these people anymore.
I have always been different, always disliked society. I have less use for it now than at any time in my life. I intend to live accordingly.
I want space and less people in my life going forward. I want tranquility and no engine noises AT ALL EVER. I want to live high up on a ridge line with a beautiful view across a valley that you can travel down to a rain forest with a creek in it. I want the ridgeline to have sea views also and be 2.5 Kms from one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
I found it the other day. I want to make it mine and disappear with the girlfriend and fuck society for good.
What’s funny about your position is that in order to know the Bible “has been fucked with” you must first know what the “unfucked Bible” said to begin with.
Do you see the circularity of your position?
The Bible is one of the best preserved books from ancient antiquity. Hands down. None compare or can hold a candle to it. Be assured fellow believers who are reading this, that the Bible you’re holding and reading IS accurate and reliable.
Bring it skeptics...
ok, read the genesis and the garden again, this time slowly, and pay attention on the words, plain reading, get the original word if something makes no sense, they did have plural and singular during the olden times, if someone behaves in a odd way, that makes no sense to what the narrative says, maybe a couple names where changed Listen to Yeshua. What he said about his father, and what he said about THEIR father Who were the kazarians? What happened to them? Are they still around? They were around, when and where? Don't mock try to awake. Don't forget we all being lied too, we all have gaps in knowledge, and illusion instead of truth.
Correct !
Wew lad. Thanks for that.
Such an educational response. Typical.
"Do you see the circularity of your position?"
Do you see yours?
P.S. Do you want to buy a star system? I can do a good deal !
Wow. That was impressive.
Would’ve been more powerful of a counter had you included a good ol “Nuh uh, your momma!”
I was brief as I was rushed for time and frankly, I considered your statement, that it was the most vetted book in history utterly laughable and, on the face of it IRREFUTABLY UNKNOWABLE.
There is simply no way you can state this. It literally has no chain of custody and the deep state propaganda in it is easy to spot. From the constant, stultifying anthropomorphism to the sheer ridiculousness of what passes for spirituality:-
"My neighbor is working on the Sabbath, should I burn a bull on the altar of sacrifice or go next door and put him to death"
Your strange, vengeful, sadomasichistic, fiscally bereft (always broke), anthropomorphic, human sacrifice enjoying God described in this archaic dogma has the deep state's hand all over it.
It says it right in the title :- King James Bible.
They might as well have put a masonic set-square and compass on it and had Lady Gaga use it as a hat.