Forwarded from Brian Cates...
Fox, CBS, NBC, ABC, and PBS wouldn't touch that Red Speech with a 10-foot pole.
We're winning.
Biden is so toxic they don't want to show him to the country at this point.
This is what winning looks like.
He came out for a 'major address to the country that most of the country never saw.
This is how bad it is right now for the Biden administration, despite all the bold bluster you see them engaging in.
They're circling the bowl, trying to find something that will allow them to keep from being flushed.
Assuming Joe Biden lasts until January 2023, he will almost immediately face impeachment when the new Trump-centric Congress takes power due to the Red Wave we're building to the November midterms.
Biden is so irrelevant they're trying to hide him from the public. Aside from Charlie Crist, nobody running for office is publicly babbling about how they are seeking Biden's endorsement.
You have to step back and think about what you're watching.
The MSM itself is never gonna tell you just how bad Biden is failing right now.
I would say it indicates a major turning point.
When the tide turns, the flow of water is at the slowest. The Lamestream corporate propaganda media has been on the offensive for decades, culminating with the full blown attacks on DJT and on the public via COVID mass formation psychosis.
But since DJT came down the escalator, their relevance and influence has steadily waned. More and more people have woken up, which means their propaganda effectiveness has steadily declined, and even those who have not woken up fully have come to see the Media for what it is: biased propaganda at worst, rubbish at best.
They have SO little influence now - because the truth is too starkly apparent - that they are now hiding Biden from the public. They have nothing. They have become powerless.
Which also means that the sources of truth and factual information are increasing in influence. You might not see it, because it doesn't work the same way the big, gaudy, loud propaganda machines do, but the influence is increasing nonetheless.
So, the MSM has gone to zero point. The next phase is where the truth information content providers ascend more and more.
Winning happens NOT when you have won, and it's all over. It happens in the process of getting to the point when its all over.
How is it going to red pill. Fren, "you are the news now".
You have to share this, spread this, get it out there. The MSM isn't going to do that. When YOU share this, spread this, get this out to people around you, relatives, friends, then that's when the winning becomes real.
Amen. War of attrition. More of us less of them. They have LOST the infowar-warp speed spreading as viral as Covid
I disagree. DemoKKKrats are not waking up. Maybe mainstream Republicans moved farther right. But there's still mostly cuckery toward Jews on the Republican side. I've been banned a dozen times just for mentioning the jews who tried to impeach Trump or the jews in Biden's administration. How are they waking up if they still worship anti-Christ jews above their own Christian culture and protection?
They were hiding Biden from the public since the demoKKKrat primaries in 2020. They are not powerless. They have all the power of the Federal government even beyond what the Constitution allows them. They also hold the corporate power and the banks and corporate media. They have control over the military.
You might be correct about alternative sources of truth and information gaining some influence. But most people are still herded on to plantations and into online ghettos like Fakebook and Twatter.
You make believe that a majority will join us. Most Republicans won't even join us. I get banned from PDW just for stating my based right wing views. Most Republicans are still CUCKED, even the Trump supporters on a Trump fan site.
I appreciate your optimism. It's probably needed as a counter balance to my cynicism. I just believe things are going to get a lot worse before they get better and I don't think we're winning shit.