We aren't responsible for the mistakes of the past, but we need to acknowledge and accept them in order to build a better future.
That very much depends on whether you think what was done was a mistake or not, doesn't it? This narrative is used to assert the premise in your mind that the new way of thinking is superior and the old way of thinking is inferior. Why? Because it lead to "mistakes" which must be "acknowledged" in the way that a "lesson" must be "learned." The Catholics taught Galileo about a mistake that had to be acknowledged.
I'm going to say something controversial here, but with context below. The Nazis got a lot right. Wait, what? Yes. They opposed globohomo. They demanded decency of behavior and called for a return to the work ethic and social structures which had made German science and industry the envy of the world. These people had been drowned in the depth of Weimar, but within a decade of simply unleashing their people's natural industry, turned themselves into a world class machine capable of imposing their will on all of Europe. They taught their own people after a decade of humiliation and abuse to once again be proud of who they were and where they came from. They had a LOT of things right, and the evidence is there to see. They did in fact, conquer western Europe, and had Hitler not stabbed Russia in the back, he might have held it. Was Nazism a "mistake" in that context?
My grandfather spent time in Hitler's "hospitality," so I'm not inclined to say Nazism was a great thing that should be emulated. It was politically authoritarian, openly discriminatory, and aggressively abusive of its own people according to the whims of a tiny handful of psychopaths. We all know the results. Marxism is always a mistake. It attracts the psychopaths and encourages the sort of abuse that we make horror films about. I do not, nor will I ever support that form of government.
But the point is that if there is an element of nuance, we ought to be capable of discussing it without prejudicing the discussion with the kind of framing you just put forward. MAGA teaches us to be proud of who we are and where we came from. It celebrates patriotism. It promotes the idea of personal responsibility, a tremendous work ethic, civil responsibility, a return to traditional social norms. It's opposed to globohomo. Should I reject all of that because it's associated with Nazis? I've had countless Democrats I know personally tell me yes to all of that with a completely straight face because they bought into that guilt by association argument, accepted the framing, and "learned" (all the wrong lessons) from the "mistake."
Dealing in nuance with an open, unprejudiced mind IS an essential component of the learning from history we're all told we should be doing. When you frame things as "mistakes we must learn from" or call people "science deniers" or "religious fundamentalists," you're preventing honest and open-minded discussion by closing minds before the debate even starts.
In that light, and while I'm LOATHE to defend her, Anita Dunn got raked over the coals for a speech she gave at a college admiring Chairman Mao. It was actually something he did 'correct' so to speak, despite being someone willing to murder tens of millions of his own people to accomplish it.
I've been having this same struggle with my very smart brother who thinks Trump is literally Hitler, but loves our Founding Fathers. It's so messed up.
I suppose this is to be a universal struggle of the ages. Good men will build, but there is always someone or some group hell-bent on pulling them down.
Your brother is right to be leery of Trump. Trump doesn't need need trust to do the right thing. No one does. You simply do the right thing.
Instead of trying to fit your worldview into his, try to see things from his perspective. The Founding Fathers would also point out the dictator potential in Trump and sound the alarm of caution. I don't trust Trump completely either and likely never will. But I don't trust any politician. That's part of what got us in this mess.
Your brother has a right to have his views. And you'll sooner get through to him when you show him you respect his right to have his opinions even though you disagree. Stick to the facts, but also look within yourself and dismantle the hero worship. Trump has done turd things and he's no saint. He absolutely could turn out to be another Hitler. That is a possibility that the Founding Fathers warned us about.
Do I think he's another Hitler? No. But a smart patriot always keeps their guns clean especially when candidates they support win.
The problem is more that HE is intolerant of opinions that don't align with his. I am the one whis is not entitled to my opinion. He never misses an opportunity to goad and bait me. When I respond then the verbal abusiveness ensues. He is all in with the globalist world view and sees those with a nationalistic perspective as "like Hitler," including me apparently.
That's his problem. Not yours. You then need to turn it on him and shut HIM down with the reality that he isn't respecting your opinion and thereby being a fascist for doing so.
If he refuses to not see reason and apologize, then stop wasting your time with him. You may be blood related, but that doesn't mean shit. I didn't realize how disgustingly arrogant your brother was. I still stand by what I said regarding trust and politicians, but I didn't realize he was that far down the toilet. I'm sorry. That shit is hard, but you will endure. You have people here who DO respect your opinion and individual ideas. I hope you have RL friends who do the same.
See, you can't deny the facts, but instead have to point the obvious danger of MAGA and insist it's different simply cause you agree with it. Your friend isn't entirely wrong, you should always be on guard for tyranny and tyranny can come in any form especially when you agree with the ideology.
"I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny upon the mind of man."
Every. Form. Of tyranny. While I am grateful for Trump and Q, I do not trust them. A sensible American cleans their guns especially when candidates they support win. No one here has no way of knowing for sure that Trump and MAGA aren't a Trojan Horse meant to install a different flavor of tyranny. Do I think that's the case? At present time, no. Things like Roe v Wade ending are an indicator that they intend to restore the Constitution. And I hope they do. But that doesn't mean they earn my blind faith loyalty. I am a king and I bow to no one except the Servant King, but even that loyalty is of my personal choice NOT because I feel I have to out of misplaced fear of death.
I know it's easy to assume Christians are the default good guys, but of the last year has taught me anything we are individually capable of being Hitler/Stalin/Obama/Bush or Jesus. There is a reason that a piece of paper, not any man is the ruler of this land. Even if you can prove with 100% irrefutable certainty that the Constitution is divinely inspired, that doesn't excuse Christians disrespecting people's right to choose for themselves.
Hitler was also a Christian, a fact you forgot to mention.
That very much depends on whether you think what was done was a mistake or not, doesn't it? This narrative is used to assert the premise in your mind that the new way of thinking is superior and the old way of thinking is inferior. Why? Because it lead to "mistakes" which must be "acknowledged" in the way that a "lesson" must be "learned." The Catholics taught Galileo about a mistake that had to be acknowledged.
I'm going to say something controversial here, but with context below. The Nazis got a lot right. Wait, what? Yes. They opposed globohomo. They demanded decency of behavior and called for a return to the work ethic and social structures which had made German science and industry the envy of the world. These people had been drowned in the depth of Weimar, but within a decade of simply unleashing their people's natural industry, turned themselves into a world class machine capable of imposing their will on all of Europe. They taught their own people after a decade of humiliation and abuse to once again be proud of who they were and where they came from. They had a LOT of things right, and the evidence is there to see. They did in fact, conquer western Europe, and had Hitler not stabbed Russia in the back, he might have held it. Was Nazism a "mistake" in that context?
My grandfather spent time in Hitler's "hospitality," so I'm not inclined to say Nazism was a great thing that should be emulated. It was politically authoritarian, openly discriminatory, and aggressively abusive of its own people according to the whims of a tiny handful of psychopaths. We all know the results. Marxism is always a mistake. It attracts the psychopaths and encourages the sort of abuse that we make horror films about. I do not, nor will I ever support that form of government.
But the point is that if there is an element of nuance, we ought to be capable of discussing it without prejudicing the discussion with the kind of framing you just put forward. MAGA teaches us to be proud of who we are and where we came from. It celebrates patriotism. It promotes the idea of personal responsibility, a tremendous work ethic, civil responsibility, a return to traditional social norms. It's opposed to globohomo. Should I reject all of that because it's associated with Nazis? I've had countless Democrats I know personally tell me yes to all of that with a completely straight face because they bought into that guilt by association argument, accepted the framing, and "learned" (all the wrong lessons) from the "mistake."
Dealing in nuance with an open, unprejudiced mind IS an essential component of the learning from history we're all told we should be doing. When you frame things as "mistakes we must learn from" or call people "science deniers" or "religious fundamentalists," you're preventing honest and open-minded discussion by closing minds before the debate even starts.
In that light, and while I'm LOATHE to defend her, Anita Dunn got raked over the coals for a speech she gave at a college admiring Chairman Mao. It was actually something he did 'correct' so to speak, despite being someone willing to murder tens of millions of his own people to accomplish it.
Gee. It's almost like we should call out shitty people and oppose anyone who attempts to control others REGARDLESS of their dumb ass labels.
That's a fantastic way of putting it.
I've been having this same struggle with my very smart brother who thinks Trump is literally Hitler, but loves our Founding Fathers. It's so messed up.
I suppose this is to be a universal struggle of the ages. Good men will build, but there is always someone or some group hell-bent on pulling them down.
Your brother is right to be leery of Trump. Trump doesn't need need trust to do the right thing. No one does. You simply do the right thing.
Instead of trying to fit your worldview into his, try to see things from his perspective. The Founding Fathers would also point out the dictator potential in Trump and sound the alarm of caution. I don't trust Trump completely either and likely never will. But I don't trust any politician. That's part of what got us in this mess.
Your brother has a right to have his views. And you'll sooner get through to him when you show him you respect his right to have his opinions even though you disagree. Stick to the facts, but also look within yourself and dismantle the hero worship. Trump has done turd things and he's no saint. He absolutely could turn out to be another Hitler. That is a possibility that the Founding Fathers warned us about.
Do I think he's another Hitler? No. But a smart patriot always keeps their guns clean especially when candidates they support win.
The problem is more that HE is intolerant of opinions that don't align with his. I am the one whis is not entitled to my opinion. He never misses an opportunity to goad and bait me. When I respond then the verbal abusiveness ensues. He is all in with the globalist world view and sees those with a nationalistic perspective as "like Hitler," including me apparently.
That's his problem. Not yours. You then need to turn it on him and shut HIM down with the reality that he isn't respecting your opinion and thereby being a fascist for doing so.
If he refuses to not see reason and apologize, then stop wasting your time with him. You may be blood related, but that doesn't mean shit. I didn't realize how disgustingly arrogant your brother was. I still stand by what I said regarding trust and politicians, but I didn't realize he was that far down the toilet. I'm sorry. That shit is hard, but you will endure. You have people here who DO respect your opinion and individual ideas. I hope you have RL friends who do the same.
See, you can't deny the facts, but instead have to point the obvious danger of MAGA and insist it's different simply cause you agree with it. Your friend isn't entirely wrong, you should always be on guard for tyranny and tyranny can come in any form especially when you agree with the ideology.
"I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny upon the mind of man."
Every. Form. Of tyranny. While I am grateful for Trump and Q, I do not trust them. A sensible American cleans their guns especially when candidates they support win. No one here has no way of knowing for sure that Trump and MAGA aren't a Trojan Horse meant to install a different flavor of tyranny. Do I think that's the case? At present time, no. Things like Roe v Wade ending are an indicator that they intend to restore the Constitution. And I hope they do. But that doesn't mean they earn my blind faith loyalty. I am a king and I bow to no one except the Servant King, but even that loyalty is of my personal choice NOT because I feel I have to out of misplaced fear of death.
I know it's easy to assume Christians are the default good guys, but of the last year has taught me anything we are individually capable of being Hitler/Stalin/Obama/Bush or Jesus. There is a reason that a piece of paper, not any man is the ruler of this land. Even if you can prove with 100% irrefutable certainty that the Constitution is divinely inspired, that doesn't excuse Christians disrespecting people's right to choose for themselves.
Hitler was also a Christian, a fact you forgot to mention.
EDIT: Ah. Faceless downvotes. Because "I concede this discussion" just doesn't quite get the point across.