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✝️ Church Sticky Thread 🕊️
This is turning into the "Church Sticky Thread". I'll sticky it every Sunday.
It’s not an alternative
There’s no such thing as “cannot attend”
Tell me a reason you can’t attend and I will explain how it’s a lie and you CAN attend
Christ commanded us to eat His body and drink His blood
The only place this happens is in person, at the mass, following the exact same liturgy as the early Church
Go ahead and listen to preachers
but it doesn’t count as worship
Look you're right that we are to have some body which is a communal Church in our lives at a local level, but:
Uh, the fuck???
I guess this is what I should expect when talking to a Catholic.
Doing it in a state of grace is what the church teaches (go to confession and be absolved by Chrust through the authority He gave to the church to forgive and retain sins for all time until He comes again (the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church)), and the early church got together at least weekly. Communion is true worship: the sacrifice at Calvary was once and for all time and transcends time, and at the mass, we are present and the altar and the lamb that was slain is on the altar and heaven and earth meet
This is what the apostles believed and taught
Yeah except Christ never did this. The Church doesn't have permission to do something that only Christ can do. His death and resurrection paid the price for our sin, only He can forgive sins. Nor do we need to go through anyone else to come to Christ, we can go to Him directly.
Simply meeting weekly doesn't imply communion weekly by any stretch of the imagination.
Implying that communion is the only way to worship God is so ridiculous and ignorant of most of The Bible that it's straight blasphemy.
Yes, which is exactly why we don't need a child diddler to be the medium between us and God.
No, it's not. It's what the Catholic Cult lies about while they ignore the actual teachings of God.
You’re right! Only Christ can forgive sins. That is why He gave Peter the authority to Forgive and retain sins: “The sins you forgive on earth shall be forgiven in heaven, and the sins you retain on earth shall be retained in heaven.”
Did Peter and the apostles get it wrong? Did the bible get it wrong? Did the appstles err when they gave that same authority to approved men by the laying on of hands and appointing of bishops, priests, and deacons? Did the church really get it wrong even from when Christ walked among them all the way up to Luther 1500 years later?