If you get the reference I'll be pretty impressed. ;)
When someone gets redpilled for the first time, it's always "Can it be that I have the world entirely wrong?", and the answer to that is "Not wrong, there's just more to learn!"
If I met myself today, 5 years ago, I would think I was batshit insane. But if you go step by step it all makes sense. I feel (and I hope I am right) that things are coming to a head. Truths will be revealed. There's always more to learn, and I am ready and willing to dive into that rabbit hole!
Alright, thanks. I agree with some of your assertions, but question others. You seem pretty confident in what you had to say and I suppose that that makes me question your premises because, as much as we do know, there's so much more that we don't know (imo and I think, axiomatically) So confidence in either direction seems futile at this point.
For example, I agree that science is suspect, that's pretty obvious. But I am not prepared to allege that things like dark matter and string theory are 'knowingly fake.' I haven't looked into either enough to determine if I believe falsehoods are knowingly being pushed. That might be the case, but I have no knowledge of that at this point and I'm not even sure what it would take to prove to me that the theories are not even viable. Short of discovering a trove of documents where scientists are laughing about how they've 'put one over' on us, or seeing science explained (and demonstrated) in such a way that proves them impossible, I don't even know how I could disprove something like that. This is what I mean about being adamant either way. I don't know enough about those theories to attempt to prove them, nor enough to know how to disprove them.
Other things are easier, like the lack of professional journalism, or even weather modification. Spirituality is another one that seems futile to try to disprove. But I think I understand the broad concept you were stating (the 180 degree turnaround) so thanks for explaining. I appreciate it.
Regarding Dark Matter/Energy. Essentially you have a set of theories to explain the universe. Then you have a set of observations. You work out the formulae from the theories and plugin the values from the observations. You find out that those formula does not work.
You now have two choices. You can either say that the set of theories are wrong and go back to the drawing board and come up with new theories. This might require undoing a lot of assumptions that have been accepted in the past.
Or you can choose to add unknown quantities to the formula just to make them work and call these quantities dark energy and dark matter.
They chose the second option. It is not following scientific methods. You dont claim reality is different based on your theories. You work on your theories until it matches reality.
Its fraud, plain and simple. The real question is, why are they pushing these theories so forcefully instead of going back and rewinding the assumptions?
I strongly think it will open up an entirely different picture of the universe, probably closer to what people like Tesla were envisioning.
As for the string theory, my stand is anecdotal. I used to have a few physicists in my circles in the 2000s, and even then they all used to openly scoff at string theory. It was almost an open joke. But none of them would ever professionally put that on record. I believe (I am out of that scene now) that even main stream science has moved past string theory now. There was a whole storyline in Big Bang Theory about this, and it shows how scientists can knowingly research wrong/fake things without actually being bad. For some, its simply a question of being in denial since it would negate everything they achieved/believed in their career.
You dont need this. It does not matter if the scientists are doing this fully conscious of it, or they are doing it in their own denial. The simple fact is, they are not following scientific methods and true spirit of science, and if you want to call it professional criminal negligence, fine. For me, its knowingly pushing fake stuff.
Interesting about your friends and string theory. And I would certainly agree that if scientists are plugging in what works, rather than following the scientific method, than that's of little value and certainly inappropriate, even fraudulent. It's a reminder that science can be viewed as a commodity, like just about everything else. Buy the right guy, pay the right amount and get the result you want.
I personally believe that the reason a lot of people can't seem to face the truth is the same as the comment you made about the fact that it might prove them wrong in everything they've believed in. But if you're 80 and face the truth knowing you've been wrong for 80 years, I still consider that preferable to continuing in your wrongness for eternity.
You've been good about answering, so I really don't want to impose, but if you are so inclined, would you please give me a synopsis of Tesla's view of the universe? Which is apparently what you now believe to be the truth. Thanks.
To put it in very simplistic terms, existence of Aether. He equated Aether as the cause of electricity (and magnetism), and read it as Aether being the medium for electromagnetic waves to propagate in.
Just thinking with common sense, it never made sense to me that electromagnetic waves could propagate without a medium. If there is no medium, what exactly is propagating?
If the existence of Aether is true, it turns the physics upside down. The speed of light would no longer be a constant regardless of the frame of reference. This means end to most of Einstein's relativity. I would say this ends the whole quantum physics field. Who knows, perhaps the equations will become balanced without need for Dark Matter and Energy.
We already are being told by the Science high priests that Big Bang Theory might not be true. This is already causing a lot fo scientists agony and anguish apparently. I havent thought too much about the implications of existence of Aether on origin of universe. However I do think the disclosure is happening slowly.
Whats the real implication of Aether? Tesla's free energy. He has always said that energy is all around us. You can simply tap into it if you know how. He built the famous Tesla tower that was shut down by his investors when they found out it was intended to produce free energy.
TL;DR - I believe there is a case to be made that the entire quantum physics is a fiction created to suppress free energy.
Fascinating. That certainly would turn things upside down and cause not a few nervous breakdowns among physicists. Thanks. I'll look more deeply into the topic when I have a chance. I appreciate it.