👹🤯🏛 Dirtbag Andrew Weissmann SUFFERS MELTDOWN After Florida Judge Respects Rule of Law and Blocks Lawless DOJ in Their Assault on Trump 👹🤯🏛
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PPV and use the funds to pay down the debt haha
While I do enjoy your creativeness, it is over too quickly and their misery is finite. How about a reality TV PPV of all of these in a hardcore prison with a lifetime sentence with no possibility of parole and no clemency or pardon possible. We can watch these former wannabe aristocrats performing hard manual labor every day of the rest of their miserable lives. No TV, no air conditioning, food that they have to grow themselves. 12 hours of hard labor every day, six days a week. The last day of the week we will give them time off to do laundry and clean their cells. We will have it called the Lords day of rest. That will sting the pagan satanists.