CERN May Shut Down Large Hadron Collider, Other Particle Accelerators Due to European Energy Crisis
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For the JASONs advising president Trump (not pretender Biden), time to suggest a restart of construction on the SSC. We have the technology now to exceed LUMINOSITY, and with +20TeV we'll put the LHC to shame. It's time to show the work we've done! And time to show the world what 'real' scientist and INGENUITY can do.
I don’t understand your comment but it’s tickling my interest. Care to expand a bit?
Idk about the JASONS part but the SSC is a fucking massive particle collider that was under construction in Texas.
From a quick search: The Superconducting Super Collider was a particle accelerator complex under construction in the vicinity of Waxahachie, Texas. Its planned ring circumference was 87.1 kilometers with an energy of 20 TeV per proton and was designed to be the world's largest and most energetic particle accelerator.
Thats fucking massive
Thanks fren. Ya, that JASONS part is a mystery but dang, 87.1 Kilometers, Yikes!
Make it 88km
There's also plans for a bigger collider than the Hadron. On the magnitude of about 20X larger.
The US abandoned construction of the Superconducting Super Collider in Texas. It was slated to be the world's most powerful particle accelerator, reaching energies above 20 Tera-Electron volts. That's more than 3 times the collision energies of the LHC. We shouldn't let other countries gain the benefit of research for such things, when we can be doing it ourselves.
The luminosity (ratio of detectable events to cross section) was about 1/10th of what the HL-LHC runs can do right NOW (that's after their upgrade). Thing is we never stopped R&D, so could be equal-to or ahead of the game. The NPPG (Nuclear and Particle Physics Group) at Lawrence Livermore have a theoretical model called LUMINOSITY, a sister program to LUX from Sanford. LUX is designed to detect dark matter, and LUMINOSITY is designed to detect collisions energetic enough to shed light on dark matter physics. Those are just two out of a collection 17 programs (yes, 17, there's that number again) funded by the DOE to explore high energy physics.
For the JASON advisory group:
They advise the president on all matters concerning science-related national security. Enjoy the rabbit hole that is science and our government. Ultimately it would take their green light to get the ball rolling. They had Trump's ear, and from what I've been told they can't stand the pretender-in-chief Biden. He can barely hold a coherent conversation.
The Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, a STEM school, pioneered THE INGENUITY PROJECT in 1992 and have introduced it to other schools under the same or other names. DOE (and DARPA...) have been recruiting and training these kids for 30 years, spotting the best minds at an early age. These 'kids' are the adults running the projects and experiments now. There's a definite 'white hat vs black hat' divide between the DOE and DARPA, and they're pulling from the same talent pool.
We have the technology, the money, and the intelligence to lead the world in high energy physics. We can be the first to tap the benefits - and also control access to knowledge that could be used to harm our nation. Yet we let the globalist do their research Switzerland, toward whatever twisted aims they have.
We kept the Manhattan project secret for a reason. We keep our quantum computing and AI research classified for a reason. Same goes for physics research.
The elites don't want this. What would ridiculously cheap energy (not free, overunity is pseudoscience, kek) do to the world economy? How do you control a populace when they can travel across the continent for a few dollars? That's why the SSC was shut down, under the claim of budget overruns.
The time is now to show the world what we're capable of achieving.
Thank you fren!
Of course!