With all due respect, 100 years is barely a blip on the geological clock for earth. Means nothing really. Just nature being nature like it's have for the past 4.5 Billion years.
Overall, 48 volcanoes were in continuing eruption status as of 12 August 2022. An eruption marked as "continuing" does not always mean persistent daily activity, but indicates at least intermittent eruptive events without a break of 3 months or more. Detailed statistics are not kept on daily activity, but generally there are around 20 volcanoes actively erupting on any particular day; this is a subset of the normal 40-50 with continuing eruptions.
With all due respect, 100 years is barely a blip on the geological clock for earth. Means nothing really. Just nature being nature like it's have for the past 4.5 Billion years.
FYI Ben Davidson runs Suspicious Observers:
Space and Earth sciences overview.
We must sacrifice virgins to the volcano gods like in the 'old' moooovies.
Not long behind this we will hear it is from climate change lol
Not to mention that fact that these volcanoes are spewing more CO2 than humans could even attempt at "offsetting"
I had read only 3% of CO2 in atmosphere is man-made and rest is from nature. So all this green new deal shit is a scam.
Excellent point fren
Light refracting from a gas bubble on venus.
40 compared to 35 is not a big difference. Random.
40 concurrent today vs 35 total for a year is a pretty big difference