THEORY: In MLK's final 1968 speech, he said, "I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you." Did GEOTUS hint the same thing? He said: "We may not be here, at least some of the older ones. I love you all." Will Trump's next speech be the scare event? Is his final, MLK moment on the way?
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Why is this stickied? It's a small, niggly little detail and a bit of a hair-brained theory, but, this really jumped out at me while watching Trump's 2022 Wilkes-Barre speech, and it's been sticking in my brain. We know Trump often communicates this way, dropping tiny little asides just for us that few in the audience seems to really pick up on. When I heard this, I thought, "WELL, would ya look at that," and figured the all the decoder podcasts we listen to would hook in on this, but, after finishing a few, nobody has, so, I thought I'd throw this out there for your consideration. Thanks for understanding!
"It's a small, niggly little detail and a bit of a hair-brained theory,"
I concur.
Lot of pearl-clutching going on about this brief comment from Trump to the elderly in the audience.
My take (I'm 80) is that he was saying that we're going to fix America and strengthen the (already foundational) role of the Constitution and even more so that of the Declaration.
It is not going to happen suddenly. It's going to take some years. Some of you who are old may not live to experience the "conclusion". I, myself (Trump), may not live to see the conclusion - but it is coming and will be worth the wait.
For the survivors.
Many have not survived and many more are going to die in this ongoing war.
I agree. Trump will be there!
Did you just use the term Niggly in a thread that has MLK?