Turning wind turbines into gummy bears = "We're spreading rumors through low-tier sleeper agents and offering them incentives."
What this means?
They're probably tapping the TikTok and YouTube creators to spread rumors and propaganda, in exchange for incentives like tweaking the algorithm to push their videos more.
So, plant based resin with potential contamination of glass particles, whatever gnarly anti-freeze chems they use on the blades, plus whatever potential bird remnant contamination. I'm sure there is some level of potential contamination from the motor. Sounds like it is right up Big Pharma's alley. From the companies that brought you the death jab! Now available: Death vitagummies!
Just more evidence that there's a secret language they're using to communicate with one another above the sheep's heads.
"Acroamatic Cipher" is the encoding method.
Green Energy = Propaganda (Renewable = Brainwashed, like a cult, because they spread your agenda without having to be paid)
Wind Power = Rumor (type of propaganda)
Bears = Sleeper Agents (they hibernate)
Sweets = Treats and incentives.
Gummy Bear = Low-Tier Sleeper Agents offered Incentives
Turning wind turbines into gummy bears = "We're spreading rumors through low-tier sleeper agents and offering them incentives."
What this means?
They're probably tapping the TikTok and YouTube creators to spread rumors and propaganda, in exchange for incentives like tweaking the algorithm to push their videos more.
This is why I don’t eat candy, snacks, or any processed shit EVER.
So, plant based resin with potential contamination of glass particles, whatever gnarly anti-freeze chems they use on the blades, plus whatever potential bird remnant contamination. I'm sure there is some level of potential contamination from the motor. Sounds like it is right up Big Pharma's alley. From the companies that brought you the death jab! Now available: Death vitagummies!
Time to author a Dr Seuss Green Eggs and Ham style book that goes against eating the bugs, fake meat and now wind turbines.
I swallowed a penny once.
The Blades-to-gummies program isn't going to cut it.
😆 True...