This is DECLAS!
HUGE revelations pertaining to the content of the documents seized by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago. Trump made some comments to Newsmax and now today Devin Nunes saying he thinks that the docs are about Russiagate. In Report today from Newsmax, Trump claims he ...
"The stage is set for DECLAS. The normies are heavily anticipating these documents. They know the docs exist. It’s the most talked about story on Earth. They are salivating with anticipation, because the media have told them it leads to Trump’s demise."
"Something that even you have never seen..." (timestamp)
"I'm sorry for the disturbance, folks." (timestamp)
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world..." (timestamp)
page 2, item 5. ref exhibit 1
page 13, Exhibit 1, clearance confirmation letter, courier status
Name: Dennis Lee Montgomery
Place of birth: Mena, Arkansas.
... in all the towns in all the world
"Don't cross the streams!" (timestamp)
"Miss Suboda, I've Governor Clinton on the line..."
American Made 2017 (2 min, 37)
Sharon Mary Priest (née Devlin; born September 12, 1947) is a Canadian-American politician and businessperson, who was mayor of Little Rock, Arkansas, before being the first woman elected to the role of Secretary of State of Arkansas in 1994. She was re-elected in 1998 and her tenure ended in 2003. During her terms in office, she introduced an internet-based Information Network of Arkansas, encouraged participation in elections and in the 2000 US Census, and worked towards electoral reform. She also served as president of the National Association of Secretaries of State.
In 1995, she launched the internet-based Information Network of Arkansas,[9] and also reduced the cost of photocopies of information held in the Secretary of State's offices from 80c per page to 25c per page.[10] She attempted to boost the number of people voting in elections through programs such as "Honor a Vet with a Vote", designed to raise awareness "that voting is a precious right",[11] and Mock Election, a program for high schools students which won an award offered by Time Magazine/National Association of State Boards of Education.[11] During 2000, she visited all counties of Arkansas to encourage participation in the federal census, after estimates that around 42,000 residents of Arkansas were omitted from the 1990 US census, resulting in a loss of $280,000,000 in federal funding.[12] Priest also served as president of the National Association of Secretaries of State,[13] and chaired a committee of the association which investigated possible election reforms at the national level,[14] and made 15 recommendations intended to avoid the voting problems of the 2000 US presidential election.[15] Within Arkansas, Priest also wanted to change the method of tracking ballots, so that they would no longer be linked to individual voters.[14] However, the proposed electoral reforms foundered due to a downturn in the economy,[13] and Priest was reported as saying, "Unless there's a real uprising on the part of the people in this country who will call their congressmen and senators and say, "Elections are important to us and democracy comes at a price, and we're willing to pay that price – do something!" then I'm not sure, running into budgets now, that anything's going to get done."[13]
Clinton was elected Governor of Arkansas in 1978...
In 1982, he was elected governor a second time and kept the office for ten years.
10 years. 1992.
1994... the first woman elected to the role of Secretary of State of Arkansas in 1994.
And, the only woman elected to the role of Secretary of State of Arkansas.,_1983%E2%80%931992)
The historical record of offices held and the (great) scene from 'American Made' are "off."
Artistic license... deliberate anachronism... or is somebody sending a message... "laying a path."
Great stuff as usual. "Play it again Sam!"
Thank you for this breakdown. Very deep dive! Nice work!