When I got to https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ (offiicial website) donations link to winred. Do you have a link or the official name of his presidential PAC?
I've been getting texts on the reg from winred and the first thing I do is scroll down and look to see where the link takes you. If it's winred or any other RINO affiliated link I'll text them back saying I don't donate to RINOs
After the stolen election winred was texting me all this bullshit and using Trump's name to fundraise. So I texted them all the same thing, "Oh so NOW you want to raise money on the back of Trump's name but you didn't have the balls to stand up to a stolen election. I'll never give another red cent to the RNC"
Actually, that's what McConnell/Republicans are trying to do...drain Trump and his PAC of all his current $$$ to funnel support to MAGA Senate candidates. They (uniparty) will hold off spending by preserving their dollars and build a war chest to use against Trump in 2024.
They are trying to play chess, but we can reduce the number of moves they have by shifting all our donations away from Republicans to President Trump and his PAC.
By the way, ask your local GOP what is the GOP's position on Jan 6 ? When they robots call you ask, the answer may amaze. When it happened to me they claimed they did not know about it then I told them a rough scetch of the incident, Oh yes they said, then CRICKETS, no talk - WOW I Thought, then I asked trying to get a answer and lower their barrier, " hey no shame no blame, tell do you have some "personal feelings" about J 6? after a pause they said yes. BOOM that is what we are dealing with. Make this the question of demarcation.
Before donating, make sure Trump's PAC doesn't say 'winred' somewhere. Winred sends the money to the RNC.
When I got to https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ (offiicial website) donations link to winred. Do you have a link or the official name of his presidential PAC?
No idea. Never found anything for him that didn't link to winred.
YES YES AND YES!! I've been getting texts on the reg from winred and the first thing I do is scroll down and look to see where the link takes you. If it's winred or any other RINO affiliated link I'll text them back saying I don't donate to RINOs
^^^ THIS ^^^
After the stolen election winred was texting me all this bullshit and using Trump's name to fundraise. So I texted them all the same thing, "Oh so NOW you want to raise money on the back of Trump's name but you didn't have the balls to stand up to a stolen election. I'll never give another red cent to the RNC"
I told about 15 relatives and friends over 2 years ago to ONLY support trump and non RINOs and NEVER give to Republican Party.
Republican Party in 2016 gave ZERO DOLLARS TO PENNSYLVANIA TV for Trump ads. ZERO and Trump barely won it.
Republican Party tried to lose in 2016, and almost did it
Republican Party in 2016 gave ZERO DOLLARS TO PENNSYLVANIA TV
Actually I think Trump will get along just fine without my $$$.
Directing my very limited $$$ into a few local races instead...
Actually, that's what McConnell/Republicans are trying to do...drain Trump and his PAC of all his current $$$ to funnel support to MAGA Senate candidates. They (uniparty) will hold off spending by preserving their dollars and build a war chest to use against Trump in 2024.
They are trying to play chess, but we can reduce the number of moves they have by shifting all our donations away from Republicans to President Trump and his PAC.
Right now Salt Lake County GOP is blessed to put forth three extraordinary candidates - for sheriff, DA, and clerk.
We have to make the most of it.
If the donation link is WINRED I suspect the RNC still gets its hands on it.
WinRed is the payment processor for a bunch of PACs and campaigns. Just make sure you're donating to Trump directly. RNC and RINOs can EABOD.
I get at least 5 texts a day from the RNC/ Win red I cant wait until Nov. This is Trumps site. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/news
By the way, ask your local GOP what is the GOP's position on Jan 6 ? When they robots call you ask, the answer may amaze. When it happened to me they claimed they did not know about it then I told them a rough scetch of the incident, Oh yes they said, then CRICKETS, no talk - WOW I Thought, then I asked trying to get a answer and lower their barrier, " hey no shame no blame, tell do you have some "personal feelings" about J 6? after a pause they said yes. BOOM that is what we are dealing with. Make this the question of demarcation.
Since they started turning their logo stars upside down, that was the end of contributions from me. They know better.