Just to clarify for some people: Q IS a psyop. But Q is a white hat psyop that was designed to spark the population into thinking for themselves and combating the mainstream narrative. Q's main mission was already accomplished. There is now an army of people who dig on the elite and expose corruption like never before. All warfare is based on deception according to Sun Tzu. Meaning that many of your favorite white hats are not always going to come out and say everything that they actually think because they are currently engaged in the war. They are not stupid. And neither are you. You just saw Trump play the song I am Q and WWG1WGA behind his speech. He's giving us enough to keep us encouraged but he's still in the battle. One day, perhaps, we will see total public vindication. Anons were right about Q and about so much. But until that day comes, don't let the psyop shake you too much. Focus on what God is telling you and your God given instincts. The fog of war may be thick but we are getting enough bread crumbs to keep us going. There is no way back. Only forward. The world is waking up and a "psyop" is playing a major role.
credit: PepeLivesMatter
"Q IS a psyop."
Lesson One: Game Theory
Game Theory / Introduction: First Five Lessons
Econ 159 / Yale Courses / Nov 20, 2008
https://youtu.be/nM3rTU927io (68 mins)
Lesson Two: Information Warfare:
Feb 25, 2020 1:52:03 AM UTC
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No. 8239046
"But Q is a white hat psyop that was designed to spark the population into thinking for themselves and combating the mainstream narrative."
ALCHIMY, n. [It. alchemia; Ar. al, the, and kimia, secret, hidden, or the occult art, from (Ar.) kamai, to hide. See Chimistry.]
The more sublime and difficult parts of chimistry, and chiefly such as relate to the transmutation of metals into gold, the finding of a universal remedy for diseases, and an alkahest or universal solvent, and other things now treated as ridiculous. This pretended science was much cultivated in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but is now held in contempt.
American Dictionary of the English Language Noah Webster 1828
see text of:
Nancy Pelosi School of Medicine, Omerta University
Prerequisite course for graduation
Medical History 30330 [MH-30330]
Professor Ricky Jay, MJ., IC., AN.
Room 322, Thomas Ludwig John D'Alesandro, Jr. Hall,
Main Pentacle Campus
The foundations of modern medicine are firmly rooted in the pre-history of the ancient healing arts developed in the fertile plains of the Nile River Valley and its even more fecund delta region. Developed in parallel with the institutionalization of the Osiris myth over Egyptian civilization, government and society, the practice of medicine devolved over the centuries, as the priesthood focused on the refinement of religious doctrine, to, at first, a medical cadre trained by priests in religious institutions, and then later, to a medical cadre disassociated from the priesthood and the remnants of religious influence infusing the practice of medicine of that time. The course material will include practicums and field work at Omerta University at Las Vegas' satellite campus. Link below to Professor Jay's introductory lecture for MH-30330.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtgUSUHnzLI&t=2933s (7 minutes)
Omerta University at Las Vegas
3900 S Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV
"Q's main mission was already accomplished."
Allegory Of The Cave / narrated by Orsen Welles
... "our natures enlightened, or, unenlightened."
"There is now an army of people who dig on the elite and expose corruption like never before."
All warfare is based on deception according to Sun Tzu.
A solution to this was the creation of the Q-ship, one of the most closely guarded secrets of the war. Their code name referred to the vessels' home port, Queenstown, in Ireland.[4] These became known by the Germans as a U-Boot-Falle ("U-boat trap"). A Q-ship would appear to be an easy target, but in fact carried hidden armaments. A typical Q-ship might resemble a tramp steamer sailing alone in an area where a U-boat was reported to be operating.
By seeming to be a suitable target for the U-boat's deck gun, a Q-ship was intended to lure a submarine into surfacing. Once the U-boat was vulnerable, perhaps even gulled further by pretence of some crew dressed as civilian mariners "abandoning ship" and taking to a boat, the Q-ship would drop its panels and immediately open fire with its deck guns. At the same time, the vessel would reveal her true colours by raising the White Ensign (Royal Navy flag). When successfully fooled a U-boat could quickly be overwhelmed by several guns to its one, or defer from firing and try to submerge before mortally wounded.
https://youtu.be/oS32eWfeEsY (2 min, 23 sec)
"Hook, Line and Sinker"
Two members of the final Anchusa group, Chrysanthemum and Saxifrage (renamed President in 1922), survived to be moored on the River Thames for use as drill ships by the RNVR until 1988, a total of seventy years in Royal Navy service.
"Meaning that many of your favorite white hats are not always going to come out and say everything that they actually think because they are currently engaged in the war."
The Commode Story / Reservoir Dogs 1992
https://youtu.be/7P-f-nzOTV4 (7 Min)
06/29-30/21 https://youtu.be/KYKOLwt8pwo
09/22/21 https://t.me/qanonplus/18155
The 47 Ronin (1941)
https://youtu.be/KiCWrDMZZFk?t=7 (3 hours, 42 mins)
8 April 2020 A.G. Bill Barr interview / Laura Ingraham
Time stamped when Barr touches his face when he says "draconian measures."
https://youtu.be/h51A-WI4Cyk?t=231 (timestamp "draconian measures")
The next day, the jabberjays of the Mockingbird Media:
"...draconian measures... draconian measures... draconian, draconian, draconian... draconian measures... draconian measures..."
Patriots in control room.
26 June, 2019
Bill Barr... "as you know, I'm very proficient at, dare I say the word...spying. And I discovered the plot and so this was my counter surprise"
https://youtu.be/TalNLg07Xp4?t=501 (timestamp)
17 July, 2021 Peter Navarro / Bannon's Warroom
"And so, um, what I found, top line, no question, that this election was stolen. No question. And, (coughs) I remember calling Bill Barr, um, and, we had a good relationship, you... Bill's kinda like this teddy-bear-kinda guy, he's got what they call in the media a high Q factor. In other words, if you see him in an interview..."
https://rumble.com/vjz1bg-episode-1103-the-3rd-november-movement-audits-and-action.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2 (start @ 11 min, 38 sec time mark)
".... high Q .... "
silent war
kobayashi maru
nessun dorma
"To feign disorder one must posses strict discipline."
https://youtu.be/12VlbZ-lmC0?t=596 (time stamp , 27 min)
https://youtu.be/sycXOvp7iVY?t=2346 (timestamp)
https://youtu.be/sycXOvp7iVY?t=2420 (timestamp - 1 sec)
"To feign cowardice, one must possess great courage."
https://youtu.be/9foQYGJ8Ug8?t=240 (timestamp)
"To feign disorder, one must possess strict discipline. To feign cowardice, one must posses great courage. To feign weakness, one must possess great superiority. Order and disorder depend on organization and structure. Courage and cowardice depend on posture and circumstances. Strengths and weaknesses depend on formation and disposition of the army."
Sun Tsu - The Art of War - Chapter 5 Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China / 2013 / page 109
"Remember who the real enemy is."
Catching Fire / Hunger Games
"The War of the Worlds" was a Halloween episode of the radio series The Mercury Theatre on the Air directed and narrated by Orson Welles as an adaptation of H. G. Wells's novel The War of the Worlds (1898). It was performed and broadcast live at 8 pm ET on October 30, 1938 over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. The episode is famous for inciting a panic by convincing some members of the listening audience that a Martian invasion was taking place, though the scale of panic is disputed, as the program had relatively few listeners
Orson Welles / War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 30 October 1938 / Complete Broadcast
https://youtu.be/Xs0K4ApWl4g (57 min, 2 sec)
October 30, 1938
https://youtu.be/JB8BLMMVFLg?t=3 (20 sec)
https://youtu.be/bZ9PGRmruoc (2 min 47 sec)