posted ago by GoingCamaro ago by GoingCamaro +27 / -1

"If Patriots are in control, why would Trump allow high gas prices and inflation." "Some plan if my money isn't worth anything and the country is poor."

These are remarks or rather paraphrased versions of remarks that I hear VERY often in this place and in others. On the surface it's a valid claim if you assume that all the institutions were created with our best interests in mind. The truth is, most of our modern day government is built on silent subversions of our Republic in the form of "statutes" and "US Code". The power is assumed and derived and stretched heavily from the Constitution, but anyone who actually reads all 4,000+ Federal Regulations and codes realizes that we barely have a Constitution at all.

One such subversion is the Federal Reserve. If you don't understand the implications, please take the time and watch this video from James Corbett:


Corbett has been accused of being a leftist as well as a right winger because he is sourced, cited and independent. He is a solid source of knowledge and all his ideas are worth considering. Once you watch this video, you start to realize that financial collapse is actually necessary. We NEED the federal dollar to implode as it's nothing more than a vice grip on all of humanity's balls. Our monetary system, much like our modern day government is built on lies and with the intent to enrich the chosen few. It is NOT a free or fair market system. Never has been and under this monopoly money currency, never will be.

So yes, the inflation and collapse of the Rothchild dollar is very likely part of the plan.