What did Q **REPEATEDLY** say was the ‘ONLY WAY FORWARD’? I bet it’s not what you think!
Q talked about 'military planning' a lot. And early on, in Q-post #26, Q even said ‘The only way is the military’. But he only said that once.
But NINETEEN other times, Q said that the 'only way forward' (or the ‘only way to restore trust’) was based on some combination of truth, transparency, disclosure, and (yes) accountability and prosecution. Nineteen times!
Q-post #4550 says ’Enough must see. It is the only way’.
The 'only way' is a Great Awakening.
You may not have the resources to ‘hire billboards’ or ‘fight lawsuits’ – but we can all wake people up, even if it’s one at a time.
Speak truth. Plant seeds.
Help save the world.
Sorry for my late night rambling.
Good reply, and wise of you to point out that we must win on the local level. Local elections will tend to be more/the most legit.
I also believe that there are very well placed, and powerful people/forces fighting on our side that have infiltrated their power structure. No way I can believe that we went from a country of patriotic Americans to a position where the entire military chain of command is hell bent on destroying our country in one decade. Of course if you listen to what Eisenhower had to say it indicates that the threat of a corporate - government cabal has been a treat much longer than a decade. In fact there have been many insiders ringing the warning bell for a long time.
And AI is not something exclusive to Satan and his agents, we probably have some advanced AI on our side too.
The biggest proof to me that more is going on than meets the eye has always been, (I can never seem to word this where it makes sense). I'll try using a "It's the dog that doesn't bark, is the one you have to worry about" analogy. As you know, little dogs bark because that is all they have. Similarly is the loud mouth braggart that tells you he is going to whip your ass. A man that confident is his fighting skills will never utter a word but you'll end up on you ass just the same.
Surly we have people in positions of power. Are they little dogs or big dogs? We hear very little out of those people in the military, and government. If they were little dogs they would be desperately and even at risk to their lives, barking their heads off, but they are not sounding off. Therefore they must be big dogs confident in their position. Logically, at least in my logic, that we see little happening given the tremendous importance of the battle, which is the fate of mankind, means that their is much taking place that we are not now aware of.
I have been reading Jack Carr's Terminal Man series. In the telling of his story he will often take an aside from the story and talk about the dangerous aspects of our corrupt, out of control government that is not answerable to we the people. He speaks terms of someone who know the threat and the stakes. He gives every impression that he is aware of the size and scope of what we would call our domestic enemy. He is one of many special operators that i believe take the oath very seriously. It is unfathomable to me that he, and those like him will ideally standby what our country is destroyed.
I keep thinking about the fact that 50% of our military is comprised of contractors. Notwithstanding their past service to our country, both of us know that money talks and everyone it is said have a price at which they can be bought. Makes me wonder of the move to start using contractors was not part of our enemies plan.
I read Zero Footprint which as written by a British forces special operator. The pin name is Simon Chase, but he hides his real name. At one point in the book he says he was offered a job by a diamond mining interest to move a tribe of Africans that refuse to sell, off some valuable land by any means necessary, He turned them down, and was even pissed that they would approach him with such unsavory offer. But he goes on to say that he is sure that someone did take the contract, and no doubt all the tribe was either run off their ancestral land, or liquidated. No doubt there are many contractors who would work for the cabal for a price.
Again, sorry for writing what amounts to a chapter in a discombobulated book here.
This is all so well thought out Anons. You all are the best! So my thoughts on the military, and from listening to X22 and Juan O’Savin, the military WILL in fact be the only way if all-else fails to Awaken 80% of America. The military will only take massive action if We The People can’t Awaken enough ourselves to save ourselves and turn things around. The military WILL also only go massive action if the final court/Supreme Court totally fails to uphold the Constitutional breaching/breaking cases, leaving We The People NO/ZERO/NADA way of correcting everything without fully using the 2nd Amendment in full violence. That’s how I take the Statements of the Military being thee Only, Last, Final, No-Ifs-and-or-but’s Way out of falling to the Cabal.
So until that final straw is reached, Trump, The Q Team, the White Hats operate in “Silent Running” in hopes We The People can muster the Awakening and turn the tide on our own. This goes to my thoughts on us first being told Trump would come back in office before 2022 or late 2022, but now we’re getting these hints it may go later, maybe all the way to a full new legal election, or postponed to 2024, ALL to keep things more on the “down low” instead of big scary stuff to kick sleepers in the ass. The Plan has certainly adjusted as Plans do during war.
Yeah, but I still don't have a Pepe. :(
Your comments (re Military) are interesting. Personally, I can't see them avoiding 'massive action' if the mid-terms are stolen and both the House and Senate remain in enemy hands.
We might be able to withstand another 2yrs, but only if there is a stalemate in DC. But millions of Americans will become homeless and/or starve to death if they have a 'free hand' through 2024.
Also, see my response to Muckey below.
Yep, there are certainly some very lethal men out there on both sides.
With the overwhelming evidence that 'the bad guys' are trying to destroy our country, I find it extremely interesting that none of the 'lethal men' on our side have 'gone rogue' (as in 'Terminal List').
A fair number of these men would have good enough connections to know whether or not there was 'a plan', even if they didn't know the details.
But if these 'lethal men' knew there was no 'plan', I can't imagine that they'd all just sit back and watch the country fall.
It's like the clue that Sherlock Holmes once noted: 'The victim's dog didn't bark, therefore the killer was not a stranger'.
No one has gone rogue, therefore there is a plan.
My thinking as to why the Marxist have yet to start taking out the top people supporting Trump, and have so far only resorted heavy handed legal efforts is based on their understanding of the "what goes around comes around" principle, and same may be true of our agents. Right now, those good and bad forces are held in check. If one side launches, it will give license to the other side to do the same.
One can often learn a great deal from fiction, especially when that fiction is written by ex-Navy seal. For example, read this fictional story by Matt Bracken. What the coup perpetrators do in this story is first they start a foreign war so they can get most of the military our of the country, then they start disappearing the top level media figures, and others on the right. The story ends with us winning.