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Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
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If you are old enough to remember 9/11, share what you were doing that day
The poll that is up right now needs an option for Biden will go and do something ridiculously stupid and pathetic, humiliating himself and embarrassing the hell out of his country.
Cause... you know... that is what will happen if he doesn't stay in the basement.
The question if Biden goes is.... how will he humiliate himself? Maybe he'll shit himself in public, or, maybe he'll bring an ice cream cone to the funeral. Maybe he'll grope members of the royal family. Anyone taking bets? Cause I'd bring popcorn.
You can tag the poll owner to make sure they see this comment, like u/catsfive
Thanks, I wasn't sure if tagging somebody gives them a notification or anything.
u/catsfive I wanted to vote on the poll that I think Biden will be there but I don't want to vote that it will be normal or that nothing conspiratorial will happen.
Of course if he winds up in the basement I wouldn't be surprised, either...
But, if white hats are in control please let Biden go to the funeral!!! Any white hats lurking??? For the love of God, think of the memes!
That would be a great option. That said, I had not thought about Trump showing up. That would be a very interesting tactic.
It could be a stark contrast having GEOTUS and POTATUS there at the same time, should be interesting to see what happens.
Perfect gif nobody could have brought it better LoL
In all seriousness that will be very entertaining if it happens.