Truthfully, I have no idea who that is. I came to that conclusion myself looking back through Trumps words from the time he came on to the mainstage.
I really didnt think much of Trump through those years. Besides the larger than life image, he wasnt really on my radar. Ive never been a pop culture kind of person.
Even early in the 2015 primary season I didnt think much of his chances. But as the primarys came closer I began to look deeply at the candidates and one of the things I looked at was Trumps words and deeds through the years with an emphasis on weeding out the spectacular to get to the truth of the man.
As his Presidency progressed, I was a big Conservative Treehouse follower. I was aware of Q but didnt follow. But I didnt dismiss it out of hand like a lot of Sundances posters did.
Sometime in early 2019 I read all the drops to that point and I began to realize the plausibility of the Q campaign even though much of it was confusing. It rang true to me and part of that realization was the truth of Trumps past words and actions that I had researched and werent part of his larger than life persona.
From that point, I put 2 and 2 together. Ive thought for a long time that JFK was assassinated by our own government and had a strong feeling that there had to be Patriots in our military and intelligence services that saw this as an existential threat to life and liberty and that they would take steps to ensure the original American Ideal.
Trump past words and deeds fit in perfectly with those thoughts, so it was an easy hop to Trump being groomed to be President to lead us into a new future with our heritage intact.
Kennedy certainly had allies behind the scene helping him plot the destruction of the CIA and the Federal Reserve. I'm guessing they continued on in the background while looking for another front man.
"If the Q op is a "deep state psyop", President Trump WOULD have denounced it, otherwise it would implicate him as being complicit. I don't for one second believe he's part of the deep state, therefore there can only be one conclusion: it's legit. The Q op was a Trump-led backchannel op designed to bypass the fake news & communicate directly with us using the Socratic method to motivate anons to research & report what the MSM refuses to cover."
Trump in 2018 at Columbus MO rally:...
"...we really have to bypass the media, because it's so one-sided and unfair, in order to get straight to the American people. That's what we're doing."
"...we have to just go around 'em. We just have to go around 'em, and we have gone around them like nobody in history has ever gone around them."
I think most people are just calling out Flynn for his duplicity. He has one opinion in public & a different one in private.
In his own words, he said that Q was a CIA psyop.
I liked General Flynn until the “seven rays of light” prayer & his duplicity towards the Q movement, then the red flags went off.
Flynn's actions speak volumes. He's got my trust. There is a tremendous effort to delegitimize Flynn in the eyes of anons.
If Flynn himself is involved in the psyop, then he's gonna psyop everyone anyway.... Psychological warfare. He's fully supporting the Q movement in terms of his actions. But, what he says in public.... sure. He's psyopping the media, the DS, and the noobs.
People can get too caught up in trying to judge others and evaluate others, because they need others to be this or that.
And wait, you're quoting Pravda (The Guardian), about how Flynns' "disavowal of QAnon is a major blow to the violent conspiracy movement"?
He was talking with Lin Wood. You think he doesn't know who Lin Wood is? (biggest disinfo infiltrator this side of Georgia).
Flynn's statements are really very consistent with what anyone involved in the operation, or privy to it, might be.
Never heard of Sun Tzu? "ALL warfare is deception"
When Flynn mentioned pizzagate back in November of 2016, it comfrirmed my long held suspicions & fears of Satanist infiltrators within our gov’t. His tweet is what helped me accept pizzagate.
I really, really , really want him to be a white hat, I really do. There are just things that he has said and done ( 7 Rays of light occult prayer / Lin wood mentioning that Flynn maybe a Freemason).
Flynn professes to be Catholic but he never s mentions arch Bishop Vigano or the Freemasonic infiltration into the church - why?
I’m Catholic & I won’t shut up about Freemason infiltrators. Why won’t he defend the faith? Why won’t he say more about child sacrifice & Satanism?
If I had his platform, I would be yelling from the rooftops.
Thanks for the reply. I have to work really hard on respecting the views of others I disagree with, meaning anons. But I do. I mean, I respect that you see things this way.
I wouldn't attempt to convince you otherwise. You see what you see, and you make your evaluations.
However, my views are very different.
Firstly, I am really quite convinced that Lin Wood is a nutcase at best, an agent of the DS more likely. Stinks to high heaven for me.
I don't have an issue with the '7 rays of light' thing, and if you're a Catholic, I cannot imagine why you would, for that matter.
But I mean, really?. "Flynn professes to be Catholic but he never s mentions... I’m Catholic & I won’t shut up about Freemason infiltrators. Why won’t he defend the faith? Why won’t he say more about child sacrifice & Satanism?"
What a strange standard and prism to view through. (IMO).
Are you a general (retired) in the US army? Served at the highest levels of govt? Are you working on rallying people to save American via getting actively engaged in the governance process?
He IS yelling from the rooftops. Just not about what YOU think YOU would do IF you were he, but it's ridiculous, because you are not and never will be him.
And, I submit, that you really have NO experience in real warfare, psychological or kinetic, and so you really have NO foundation to evaluate whether Flynn's activities are sensible, logical or necessary, given his position and the battlefield he is in.
And, for some people, their faith is actually very personal and private. Not something they want to preach about or talk about all the time.
But, that's just me. I accept that you see things the way you do, but I guess I'm hoping you might be able to be open to some other perspectives.
He brought up spirit cooking on 2016 during a contentious time in our country but General Flynn won’t talk about it at all in 2022. I find that suspicious.
By the way, what are you doing? Do you have a video channel where we can go to hear about all this? Where is your newsletter mobilizing people to work on these issues you think are more important than anything else?
Have you considered at all what Flynn IS doing, instead of being obsessed or hyper-focused on what he is NOT doing?
Then, have you considered comparing yourself to Flynn and asking, if others applied the same standard and attitude I have towards Flynn but towards me, how many people would consider me 'suspicious'? How many people would trust me?
As it is, I'm a LOT more inspired by Flynn and what he is doing than I am by your - what seems to be really quite petty or narrow or arrogant - attitude on display here.
What clinched it for me with Flynn was when he clearly came out and stood behind something that I discovered for myself in a process of a number of years working in my country: That self-governance requires, demands, engagement by the population, and that simply voting is not enough. That ALL the fundamental government-related problems in our Western nations are derived from the key fact that people are NOT being engaged and doing the hard yards in order to run THEIR governments, not just to keep them accountable, but to ensure taht they function properly. By being engaged. By saying "I'll be responsible for this".
I have found no one else yet who has emphasized this point to the same extent that Flynn has, which to me, as I said, was something that I came to grasp via a number of years tackling issues in my country. Until I bumped into Flynn, I found no one who expressed this, what is to me, the most essential and critical point in our societies today, vis-a-vis government.
Aside from this point, everything else, everything, is just fluff. Distraction.
Your focus on hyper-emotionalized data points, like spirit cooking, like other things you've mentioned, says to me that you are not really aware of what's driving you here, and why you are so emotionally attached to these things. A negative attachment, yes, but it's still clearly there.
You seem upset because Flynn isn't validating your own attachment to these things. Maybe he's just a whole lot more focused on actually ending the causes of these things than you are.
So, like I said, where is YOUR video channel? Where is your telegram channel? Your facebook page and your tens of thousands of followers? Where are the organizations that you've established and created and the service done to your country to end the crimes and the cabal?
What are you actually doing to bring about an end to these things? The causes? And why do you think you're so much better than Flynn, such that you feel justified in being suspicious, criticizing or judging his work based on your own .... what, standard?
Maybe, just maybe, judging Flynn, being suspicious of him, critical of him because he's not reaching your perfect standards (standards you are setting up and then criticising him because he fails them), maybe that's really just coverage for the inadequacies you feel because you are not doing more, and are not doing anything at all near the level that Flynn is doing things at.
You seem to have such a very negative focus, although its true that text messages on a internet board probably don't really light up the whole picture, so maybe my impressions are just .... impressions. I guess you can consider this feedback. If nothing I've written resonates or makes you think, then I guess just put it aside.
Well, I've shot my mouth off, I guess. But that's what your responses make me think about. But then, I guess, I believe in Flynn. You don't. Your choice. We all make our choices and then have to live with the consequences, right?
I don’t trust his duplicaty. It’s interesting that this board has people that are treated like sacred cows and cannot be criticized but yeah other people who are demonized on this board. For example, General Flynn & Ron DeSantis are treated like sacred cows. Lin wood is treated like a Lepper.
And then o
Lin has gone so far as to say that he believes he Q is real; Flynn has gone so far as to say that Q is a psyop. That’s a pretty HUUUGE if you ask me. You. Purekiss, are dedicating your life to this board. How does it feel that have General Flynn profit from the Q movement in public but disavow it in private?
I share Lin Woods intellectual curiousity. Why does the General have two opinions?
Is he a Freemason? These things matter but no one is in a position to question him directly; I think People ought to have the room in their mind to question him. Don’t you agree?
If this is the guy you want to go down defending… have at it. It’s your life.
You're assuming way too much. Did I ever say don't question him? I'm saying, I have come to different conclusions from the questioning, and I'm (personally) suspicious of your ... thinking. (by which I mean, I think your thinking is NOT something I'd promote to others.... )
We just spent a lot of time discussing this topic. So how on earth is it s sacred cow?
I mean, that sort of logical leap is another thing. Disagreement does NOT equal censorship. Criticize Flynn or whoever all you like. But don't make the leap that if someone disagrees with your conclusions, and questions your approach, that somehow this is censorship (aka 'cannot be criticized'). It's not. It's disagreement.
Imo, Lin Woods is treated here like a leper (actually, he's not. He's treated like a scumbag disinfo shyster, but that's another story) because enough people have draw that conclusion looking at the information. You're free to disagree, but don't get out of joint if people don't agree with your disagreement, right?
FWIW, I also disagree with your characterization of this board, for what its worth. Hey, at least we've learned a lot about what we disagree on.....! Maybe we'll find something we agree on in the future? I hope so.
I think People ought to have the room in their mind to question him. Don’t you agree?
No, of course I agree. Sure, no problem with you questioning him, or his actions. But just as you question Flynn, you have drawn your suspicions about Flynn, I'm also drawing ... thoughts .... about your direction here. I disagree. Simple as that.
By which, I don't mean to imply you are acting in bad faith. I definitely don't think you are acting in bad faith. But, your particular line of reasoning and thinking don't resonate with me at all. So, I've offered you feedback. Take what you want, and discard the rest. If it resonates, then use it. If not, just discard.
If this is the guy you want to go down defending… have at it.
What a silly statement. I'm not 'going down' anywhere. Am I defending Flynn? Not really. I think I'm defending my position on Flynn. I'm questioning YOUR reasoning.
It's your life.
Sigh. It's sad this discussion has descended into this. I think we'd best leave it here. We've discussed, and share our views to some extent. We've found disagreements. So what? They are allowed.
If anything I wrote seemed disrespectful or vindictive, then please put it aside. I'm pretty sure we both want to see the other get to a better place, in terms of understanding and action.
Let me wrap up on a positive note. I like the way you articulated this point:
Why does the General have two opinions? Is he a Freemason?
I mean, I think its good and healthy to ask questions, although to my mind, you make way too many assumptions or clearly have drawn very different conclusions about a LOT of things.
Example, I would never really consider the Guardian or the Rolling Stones magazine as any sort of reliable reference when they attack someone in the Q movement.
Anyway, best of luck with it all. Thanks for sharing your views. We disagree on a lot, but who knows, maybe our views will change or evolve over time?
They’re already raiding Trump supporters and Trumps home.. people want Flynn to get on social media or an interview and say “HEY IM PART OF THIS PLAN TO SET YOU ALL FREE”
Personally, I’d like to see him alive to live another day than take credit for something we all know is true. I don’t care who started Q, I don’t care if there’s a failed plan, a new plan, an old plan.. I hope there’s people fighting the other side of this war but I look at Q as something that woke a sleeping nation. There’s no more posts saying hey do nothing, we all have it under control. Those are old posts, thank God they kicked this off.. I think now it’s time that we hold corruption accountable, find a way to fortify our elections and elect America First candidates. Once we have the right people in office we start the investigations. I don’t think they’re overturning an election, unfortunately. I don’t think they’re planning on pulling a mask off Biden, any of it.. I pray Trump pulled the switch on the military for election interferences.. I wish it were all true but I think just like Flynn has said.. We are the next step of the plan.
I think WHs had been grooming him for this time since the early 80s. I think the Q plan began to be formulated after the C_A assasinated JFK.
Truthfully, I have no idea who that is. I came to that conclusion myself looking back through Trumps words from the time he came on to the mainstage.
I really didnt think much of Trump through those years. Besides the larger than life image, he wasnt really on my radar. Ive never been a pop culture kind of person.
Even early in the 2015 primary season I didnt think much of his chances. But as the primarys came closer I began to look deeply at the candidates and one of the things I looked at was Trumps words and deeds through the years with an emphasis on weeding out the spectacular to get to the truth of the man.
As his Presidency progressed, I was a big Conservative Treehouse follower. I was aware of Q but didnt follow. But I didnt dismiss it out of hand like a lot of Sundances posters did.
Sometime in early 2019 I read all the drops to that point and I began to realize the plausibility of the Q campaign even though much of it was confusing. It rang true to me and part of that realization was the truth of Trumps past words and actions that I had researched and werent part of his larger than life persona.
From that point, I put 2 and 2 together. Ive thought for a long time that JFK was assassinated by our own government and had a strong feeling that there had to be Patriots in our military and intelligence services that saw this as an existential threat to life and liberty and that they would take steps to ensure the original American Ideal.
Trump past words and deeds fit in perfectly with those thoughts, so it was an easy hop to Trump being groomed to be President to lead us into a new future with our heritage intact.
I will check him out. TY
Kennedy certainly had allies behind the scene helping him plot the destruction of the CIA and the Federal Reserve. I'm guessing they continued on in the background while looking for another front man.
Good catch .. I missed that meaning ,, I agree!
Finding Q reminded me of finally reading the Bible in my late twenties. I will die for truth because it will set us free.
I love our President! I remember him saying this ..powerful truth ! Thank you for the boost of faith , enjoyed reading this !
"If the Q op is a "deep state psyop", President Trump WOULD have denounced it, otherwise it would implicate him as being complicit. I don't for one second believe he's part of the deep state, therefore there can only be one conclusion: it's legit. The Q op was a Trump-led backchannel op designed to bypass the fake news & communicate directly with us using the Socratic method to motivate anons to research & report what the MSM refuses to cover."
Trump in 2018 at Columbus MO rally:...
"...we really have to bypass the media, because it's so one-sided and unfair, in order to get straight to the American people. That's what we're doing."
"...we have to just go around 'em. We just have to go around 'em, and we have gone around them like nobody in history has ever gone around them."
Link to speech...
I think most people are just calling out Flynn for his duplicity. He has one opinion in public & a different one in private.
In his own words, he said that Q was a CIA psyop. I liked General Flynn until the “seven rays of light” prayer & his duplicity towards the Q movement, then the red flags went off.
Trust is a finite resource.
Flynn's actions speak volumes. He's got my trust. There is a tremendous effort to delegitimize Flynn in the eyes of anons.
If Flynn himself is involved in the psyop, then he's gonna psyop everyone anyway.... Psychological warfare. He's fully supporting the Q movement in terms of his actions. But, what he says in public.... sure. He's psyopping the media, the DS, and the noobs.
People can get too caught up in trying to judge others and evaluate others, because they need others to be this or that.
And wait, you're quoting Pravda (The Guardian), about how Flynns' "disavowal of QAnon is a major blow to the violent conspiracy movement"?
He was talking with Lin Wood. You think he doesn't know who Lin Wood is? (biggest disinfo infiltrator this side of Georgia).
Flynn's statements are really very consistent with what anyone involved in the operation, or privy to it, might be.
Never heard of Sun Tzu? "ALL warfare is deception"
Have a nice day!
When Flynn mentioned pizzagate back in November of 2016, it comfrirmed my long held suspicions & fears of Satanist infiltrators within our gov’t. His tweet is what helped me accept pizzagate.
I really, really , really want him to be a white hat, I really do. There are just things that he has said and done ( 7 Rays of light occult prayer / Lin wood mentioning that Flynn maybe a Freemason).
Flynn professes to be Catholic but he never s mentions arch Bishop Vigano or the Freemasonic infiltration into the church - why? I’m Catholic & I won’t shut up about Freemason infiltrators. Why won’t he defend the faith? Why won’t he say more about child sacrifice & Satanism?
If I had his platform, I would be yelling from the rooftops.
Thanks for the reply. I have to work really hard on respecting the views of others I disagree with, meaning anons. But I do. I mean, I respect that you see things this way.
I wouldn't attempt to convince you otherwise. You see what you see, and you make your evaluations.
However, my views are very different.
Firstly, I am really quite convinced that Lin Wood is a nutcase at best, an agent of the DS more likely. Stinks to high heaven for me.
I don't have an issue with the '7 rays of light' thing, and if you're a Catholic, I cannot imagine why you would, for that matter.
But I mean, really?. "Flynn professes to be Catholic but he never s mentions... I’m Catholic & I won’t shut up about Freemason infiltrators. Why won’t he defend the faith? Why won’t he say more about child sacrifice & Satanism?"
What a strange standard and prism to view through. (IMO).
Are you a general (retired) in the US army? Served at the highest levels of govt? Are you working on rallying people to save American via getting actively engaged in the governance process?
He IS yelling from the rooftops. Just not about what YOU think YOU would do IF you were he, but it's ridiculous, because you are not and never will be him.
And, I submit, that you really have NO experience in real warfare, psychological or kinetic, and so you really have NO foundation to evaluate whether Flynn's activities are sensible, logical or necessary, given his position and the battlefield he is in.
And, for some people, their faith is actually very personal and private. Not something they want to preach about or talk about all the time.
But, that's just me. I accept that you see things the way you do, but I guess I'm hoping you might be able to be open to some other perspectives.
He brought up spirit cooking on 2016 during a contentious time in our country but General Flynn won’t talk about it at all in 2022. I find that suspicious.
um, okay?
By the way, what are you doing? Do you have a video channel where we can go to hear about all this? Where is your newsletter mobilizing people to work on these issues you think are more important than anything else?
Have you considered at all what Flynn IS doing, instead of being obsessed or hyper-focused on what he is NOT doing?
Then, have you considered comparing yourself to Flynn and asking, if others applied the same standard and attitude I have towards Flynn but towards me, how many people would consider me 'suspicious'? How many people would trust me?
As it is, I'm a LOT more inspired by Flynn and what he is doing than I am by your - what seems to be really quite petty or narrow or arrogant - attitude on display here.
What clinched it for me with Flynn was when he clearly came out and stood behind something that I discovered for myself in a process of a number of years working in my country: That self-governance requires, demands, engagement by the population, and that simply voting is not enough. That ALL the fundamental government-related problems in our Western nations are derived from the key fact that people are NOT being engaged and doing the hard yards in order to run THEIR governments, not just to keep them accountable, but to ensure taht they function properly. By being engaged. By saying "I'll be responsible for this".
I have found no one else yet who has emphasized this point to the same extent that Flynn has, which to me, as I said, was something that I came to grasp via a number of years tackling issues in my country. Until I bumped into Flynn, I found no one who expressed this, what is to me, the most essential and critical point in our societies today, vis-a-vis government.
Aside from this point, everything else, everything, is just fluff. Distraction.
Your focus on hyper-emotionalized data points, like spirit cooking, like other things you've mentioned, says to me that you are not really aware of what's driving you here, and why you are so emotionally attached to these things. A negative attachment, yes, but it's still clearly there.
You seem upset because Flynn isn't validating your own attachment to these things. Maybe he's just a whole lot more focused on actually ending the causes of these things than you are.
So, like I said, where is YOUR video channel? Where is your telegram channel? Your facebook page and your tens of thousands of followers? Where are the organizations that you've established and created and the service done to your country to end the crimes and the cabal?
What are you actually doing to bring about an end to these things? The causes? And why do you think you're so much better than Flynn, such that you feel justified in being suspicious, criticizing or judging his work based on your own .... what, standard?
Maybe, just maybe, judging Flynn, being suspicious of him, critical of him because he's not reaching your perfect standards (standards you are setting up and then criticising him because he fails them), maybe that's really just coverage for the inadequacies you feel because you are not doing more, and are not doing anything at all near the level that Flynn is doing things at.
You seem to have such a very negative focus, although its true that text messages on a internet board probably don't really light up the whole picture, so maybe my impressions are just .... impressions. I guess you can consider this feedback. If nothing I've written resonates or makes you think, then I guess just put it aside.
Well, I've shot my mouth off, I guess. But that's what your responses make me think about. But then, I guess, I believe in Flynn. You don't. Your choice. We all make our choices and then have to live with the consequences, right?
Thanks for sharing.
I don’t trust his duplicaty. It’s interesting that this board has people that are treated like sacred cows and cannot be criticized but yeah other people who are demonized on this board. For example, General Flynn & Ron DeSantis are treated like sacred cows. Lin wood is treated like a Lepper.
And then o Lin has gone so far as to say that he believes he Q is real; Flynn has gone so far as to say that Q is a psyop. That’s a pretty HUUUGE if you ask me. You. Purekiss, are dedicating your life to this board. How does it feel that have General Flynn profit from the Q movement in public but disavow it in private?
I share Lin Woods intellectual curiousity. Why does the General have two opinions? Is he a Freemason? These things matter but no one is in a position to question him directly; I think People ought to have the room in their mind to question him. Don’t you agree?
If this is the guy you want to go down defending… have at it. It’s your life.
You're assuming way too much. Did I ever say don't question him? I'm saying, I have come to different conclusions from the questioning, and I'm (personally) suspicious of your ... thinking. (by which I mean, I think your thinking is NOT something I'd promote to others.... )
We just spent a lot of time discussing this topic. So how on earth is it s sacred cow?
I mean, that sort of logical leap is another thing. Disagreement does NOT equal censorship. Criticize Flynn or whoever all you like. But don't make the leap that if someone disagrees with your conclusions, and questions your approach, that somehow this is censorship (aka 'cannot be criticized'). It's not. It's disagreement.
Imo, Lin Woods is treated here like a leper (actually, he's not. He's treated like a scumbag disinfo shyster, but that's another story) because enough people have draw that conclusion looking at the information. You're free to disagree, but don't get out of joint if people don't agree with your disagreement, right?
FWIW, I also disagree with your characterization of this board, for what its worth. Hey, at least we've learned a lot about what we disagree on.....! Maybe we'll find something we agree on in the future? I hope so.
No, of course I agree. Sure, no problem with you questioning him, or his actions. But just as you question Flynn, you have drawn your suspicions about Flynn, I'm also drawing ... thoughts .... about your direction here. I disagree. Simple as that.
By which, I don't mean to imply you are acting in bad faith. I definitely don't think you are acting in bad faith. But, your particular line of reasoning and thinking don't resonate with me at all. So, I've offered you feedback. Take what you want, and discard the rest. If it resonates, then use it. If not, just discard.
What a silly statement. I'm not 'going down' anywhere. Am I defending Flynn? Not really. I think I'm defending my position on Flynn. I'm questioning YOUR reasoning.
Sigh. It's sad this discussion has descended into this. I think we'd best leave it here. We've discussed, and share our views to some extent. We've found disagreements. So what? They are allowed.
If anything I wrote seemed disrespectful or vindictive, then please put it aside. I'm pretty sure we both want to see the other get to a better place, in terms of understanding and action.
Let me wrap up on a positive note. I like the way you articulated this point:
I mean, I think its good and healthy to ask questions, although to my mind, you make way too many assumptions or clearly have drawn very different conclusions about a LOT of things.
Example, I would never really consider the Guardian or the Rolling Stones magazine as any sort of reliable reference when they attack someone in the Q movement.
Anyway, best of luck with it all. Thanks for sharing your views. We disagree on a lot, but who knows, maybe our views will change or evolve over time?
Be blessed.
They’re already raiding Trump supporters and Trumps home.. people want Flynn to get on social media or an interview and say “HEY IM PART OF THIS PLAN TO SET YOU ALL FREE”
Personally, I’d like to see him alive to live another day than take credit for something we all know is true. I don’t care who started Q, I don’t care if there’s a failed plan, a new plan, an old plan.. I hope there’s people fighting the other side of this war but I look at Q as something that woke a sleeping nation. There’s no more posts saying hey do nothing, we all have it under control. Those are old posts, thank God they kicked this off.. I think now it’s time that we hold corruption accountable, find a way to fortify our elections and elect America First candidates. Once we have the right people in office we start the investigations. I don’t think they’re overturning an election, unfortunately. I don’t think they’re planning on pulling a mask off Biden, any of it.. I pray Trump pulled the switch on the military for election interferences.. I wish it were all true but I think just like Flynn has said.. We are the next step of the plan.