So far, the Russian military has waged a “soft” war, avoiding attacks on strategic infrastructure facilities in Ukraine in an attempt to minimize damage to the civilian population. Such a strategy has already slowed down the Russian advance on the battlefields and increased losses among the Russian military.
Amid Russia’s recent losses in the Kharkiv region, the Russian military has probably switched to tougher methods of warfare, which are necessary for victory. If so, this marks the beginning of it. Ukraine is fighting a scorched earth type of warfare, but are under-manned and even more so in regards to fire power. This is why 20% of the Ukro-Nazi force is now foreigners. Russian speaking citizens living in the Kharkiv-Izium region who worked with or even took aid from Russian troops will pay the heaviest price. Let's pray they are able to escape.
Notice the Russian side has yet to confirm the attacks. There is a chance that Kiev struck at its own facilities in order to blame Russia for the attacks and justify military actions on the Russian territory, while Ukrainian forces are approaching the Russian border in the Kharkov region. The Ukro-Nazis are already firing artillery at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which could cause major contamination of radiation, and are looking to blame Russia for the disaster.
By judging how quickly Zelensky condemned Russia for the blackout, my gut right now is telling me that the UkroNazis did this to justify attacks on the Russian homeland. Targeting Russian cities like Belgorod has been occurring for some time now.
I believe it is inevitable that the Russians will be forced to to amp-up their warfare on the Ukro-Nazis.
You're joking right? Russia has flattened whole cities. If Ukraine dares to fight back Russia just blast the entire city to dust with artillery, but its a soft war? You need to pull your head out of your ass. Go look at the pictures of Sievierodonetsk. Its nothing but rubble.
I've yet to pick a side in the politics of this fight because I have my doubts about Putin being a white-hat, but I track the FACTS when it comes to the actual fight. Russia is now losing. Or at least it looks like they are. It might be a cleaver trick or turn into a battle of the bulge moment where Ukraine ends up like Germany but so far Russia is just getting their ass handed to them over the past few days.
Russia is lashing out because its afraid and they want to punish Ukraine for daring to defeat them. Putin's war machine is a broken down dodge pickup truck. Ukraine... probibly with CIA help... has figured out the secret sauce to defeat them. Most importantly Russia is not adapting quickly enough or in some cases NOT AT ALL. Russian equipment barely works. Corrupt officers stole all the money to maintain them. Yeah, they have 10 times as many tanks as Ukraine... WHEN THEY WORK.
Stop listening to that stupid fuck-tard Zalinsky and stop watching fucking RT propaganda. Go look at the strategic maps and look at the real videos people post on Reddit(yeah I know cancer) that show real troops have taken real towns. It shows the whole picture pretty damn well. A fucking Russian LT COLONEL got taken captive by Ukraine. That's a person in charge of a battalion. That's anywhere from 500-2000 men. His area was overrun so badly he and his driver were captured.
This guys videos(The Enforcer) are a little long but if you look in the comments he posts a link to the google map he uses in each video. That map has markers to various videos that give a pretty clear picture of the news of the day.
Whatever. Everyone on this board needs to stop fan-girling Putin and wake up to reality. Russia might lose this fight. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing TBH but it is what it is. The truth is if Putin didn't have nukes NATO upon seeing how horribly Russia did in the first few months would have pulled a Libya on Russia and Putin would already be dead in a ditch just like Qaddafi.
As things stand right now Ukraine might just decide to take territory from Russia because they can. What is Putin going to do lob a nuke at them and start WW fucking three? No he will sue for peace and Ukraine can dictate the terms... the border goes back to pre-Crimea invasion. Fuck off you just got tens of thousands killed for nothing. And owe we want reparations. Putin would be the laughing stock or the world till the day he dies. We aren't there yet, but that has become a REAL possibility. All the Putin fans need to brace themselves. Reality is a bitch.
Just like Russia lost to Georgia, and Syria, and Chechnya right? They have defeated American-backed forces more than once in the last decade alone. They will easily do so again. Russia has not shown its heavy hand yet in an attempt to spare the civilian population. They have acted with extreme moderation.
I hate to burst your bubble, but the Russians are in full retreat right now. I hadn't looked at the reports in the past 12-24 hours when I wrote my post above and its even worse than it was yesterday. The Russian reinforcements were pure smoke and mirrors. Kharkiv is now in Ukraine's hands and several of the major supply lines that go to Sievierodonetsk are now cut off, both road and railway. If things keep going well for Ukraine they will retake that whole area and the Russians won't have the supplies to defend it. All the Russian gains are being undone.
All three of your examples are totally different than what is happening right now. Did the USA send the Georgians HIMARs, M-777, and lots of ammo? No. Pretty sure they didn't even send them basic stuff like AT4 much less Javelins, Stingers etc. You people need to wake up. Russia isn't a freaking supper power anymore. They aren't even a 1st world military any more. Its a little sad really. Its not a done deal but things are looking pretty bad for Russia ATM. Down-voting me just proves the truth hurts.
So far, the Russian military has waged a “soft” war, avoiding attacks on strategic infrastructure facilities in Ukraine in an attempt to minimize damage to the civilian population. Such a strategy has already slowed down the Russian advance on the battlefields and increased losses among the Russian military.
Amid Russia’s recent losses in the Kharkiv region, the Russian military has probably switched to tougher methods of warfare, which are necessary for victory. If so, this marks the beginning of it. Ukraine is fighting a scorched earth type of warfare, but are under-manned and even more so in regards to fire power. This is why 20% of the Ukro-Nazi force is now foreigners. Russian speaking citizens living in the Kharkiv-Izium region who worked with or even took aid from Russian troops will pay the heaviest price. Let's pray they are able to escape.
Notice the Russian side has yet to confirm the attacks. There is a chance that Kiev struck at its own facilities in order to blame Russia for the attacks and justify military actions on the Russian territory, while Ukrainian forces are approaching the Russian border in the Kharkov region. The Ukro-Nazis are already firing artillery at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which could cause major contamination of radiation, and are looking to blame Russia for the disaster.
By judging how quickly Zelensky condemned Russia for the blackout, my gut right now is telling me that the UkroNazis did this to justify attacks on the Russian homeland. Targeting Russian cities like Belgorod has been occurring for some time now.
I believe it is inevitable that the Russians will be forced to to amp-up their warfare on the Ukro-Nazis.
You're joking right? Russia has flattened whole cities. If Ukraine dares to fight back Russia just blast the entire city to dust with artillery, but its a soft war? You need to pull your head out of your ass. Go look at the pictures of Sievierodonetsk. Its nothing but rubble.
I've yet to pick a side in the politics of this fight because I have my doubts about Putin being a white-hat, but I track the FACTS when it comes to the actual fight. Russia is now losing. Or at least it looks like they are. It might be a cleaver trick or turn into a battle of the bulge moment where Ukraine ends up like Germany but so far Russia is just getting their ass handed to them over the past few days.
Russia is lashing out because its afraid and they want to punish Ukraine for daring to defeat them. Putin's war machine is a broken down dodge pickup truck. Ukraine... probibly with CIA help... has figured out the secret sauce to defeat them. Most importantly Russia is not adapting quickly enough or in some cases NOT AT ALL. Russian equipment barely works. Corrupt officers stole all the money to maintain them. Yeah, they have 10 times as many tanks as Ukraine... WHEN THEY WORK.
Stop listening to that stupid fuck-tard Zalinsky and stop watching fucking RT propaganda. Go look at the strategic maps and look at the real videos people post on Reddit(yeah I know cancer) that show real troops have taken real towns. It shows the whole picture pretty damn well. A fucking Russian LT COLONEL got taken captive by Ukraine. That's a person in charge of a battalion. That's anywhere from 500-2000 men. His area was overrun so badly he and his driver were captured.
This guys videos(The Enforcer) are a little long but if you look in the comments he posts a link to the google map he uses in each video. That map has markers to various videos that give a pretty clear picture of the news of the day.
Whatever. Everyone on this board needs to stop fan-girling Putin and wake up to reality. Russia might lose this fight. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing TBH but it is what it is. The truth is if Putin didn't have nukes NATO upon seeing how horribly Russia did in the first few months would have pulled a Libya on Russia and Putin would already be dead in a ditch just like Qaddafi.
As things stand right now Ukraine might just decide to take territory from Russia because they can. What is Putin going to do lob a nuke at them and start WW fucking three? No he will sue for peace and Ukraine can dictate the terms... the border goes back to pre-Crimea invasion. Fuck off you just got tens of thousands killed for nothing. And owe we want reparations. Putin would be the laughing stock or the world till the day he dies. We aren't there yet, but that has become a REAL possibility. All the Putin fans need to brace themselves. Reality is a bitch.
Just like Russia lost to Georgia, and Syria, and Chechnya right? They have defeated American-backed forces more than once in the last decade alone. They will easily do so again. Russia has not shown its heavy hand yet in an attempt to spare the civilian population. They have acted with extreme moderation.
I hate to burst your bubble, but the Russians are in full retreat right now. I hadn't looked at the reports in the past 12-24 hours when I wrote my post above and its even worse than it was yesterday. The Russian reinforcements were pure smoke and mirrors. Kharkiv is now in Ukraine's hands and several of the major supply lines that go to Sievierodonetsk are now cut off, both road and railway. If things keep going well for Ukraine they will retake that whole area and the Russians won't have the supplies to defend it. All the Russian gains are being undone.
All three of your examples are totally different than what is happening right now. Did the USA send the Georgians HIMARs, M-777, and lots of ammo? No. Pretty sure they didn't even send them basic stuff like AT4 much less Javelins, Stingers etc. You people need to wake up. Russia isn't a freaking supper power anymore. They aren't even a 1st world military any more. Its a little sad really. Its not a done deal but things are looking pretty bad for Russia ATM. Down-voting me just proves the truth hurts.
What reports do you refer to? The media? Could you provide solid intel about the Russians being in full retreat, please?