You're making a false correlation. Every civilian has a phone and a tale about Russian crimes against humanity, but no footage. We're not talking about soldiers here. Nice dope
Civilians HAVE been recording things (eg Patrick Lancaster)...and tracking is precisely why he's not doing it any more. You are trying to create a conspiracy theory out of nothing. Nice work.
I'm making a comparison to World War II where every battle is documented. The entire world is revolving around Ukraine with no footage that reflect the headlines. Hundreds of billions of US taxpayer dollars are flowing out of the Treasury.
You're making a false correlation. Every civilian has a phone and a tale about Russian crimes against humanity, but no footage. We're not talking about soldiers here. Nice dope
Civilians HAVE been recording things (eg Patrick Lancaster)...and tracking is precisely why he's not doing it any more. You are trying to create a conspiracy theory out of nothing. Nice work.
I'm making a comparison to World War II where every battle is documented. The entire world is revolving around Ukraine with no footage that reflect the headlines. Hundreds of billions of US taxpayer dollars are flowing out of the Treasury.
Nice concern trolling, ape boy
Thanks for admitting you're a complete retard without even knowing it ;)
Sure faggot, thanks for looking like the concern troll clown boy you are in front of the whole sub.
Every major military in the world deploys filmers to document. The footage is reviewed extensively and tactical lessons are learned.
Go back to MSNBC, homo.