Sixth-Graders Protect Their Fellow Students From a Creepy Teacher
What do you do when your teacher is a pervert and no one will listen? You take matters into your own hands.
According to a report in The Boston Globe, sixth-graders, no less, at Davisville Middle Scho...
Gen Z is turning out to be quite based, even with all the effort from the evil ones.
God is not mocked.
We have two Gen-Z boys. We did not exert any political influence on our older son. He realized on his own, and very quickly, that the woke BS he endure all through school was just that, BS. Our younger son definitely has his own opinions and is not easily swayed. I feel very good about this generation.
This is the way. If you are forceful with your views and way of life, you will breed rebellion. However, if you respect your offspring as the individuals they are, even at an early age, they will figure things out on their own and respect you more in the long run for letting them choose for themselves. This is especially vital during the teen years.
Children are not as retarded as society tries to convince us. If you treat a child like a child they will forever be a child. If you teach them logic and reason early on, they will be a blessing. Don't be the reason they rebel.
Greatest lesson I learned from others' examples. My kids are who they are. I still parent (at least the younger one) and I still worry, but I know what their strengths and weaknesses are and interact with them accordingly. At least I try.