Ah, the great lie spread by the Mowers Campaign. He was endorsed in 2020 and used that in his ads for the 2022 race, as if the endorsement was forever. He also at the time endorsed Corky Messner.
I disagree with OP saying she was Trump backed. No candidate was Trump backed.
So she can be in Congress 150 years, and still be younger than pelousy.
Well, Biden said he was in the Senate for 720 years (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/joe-biden-says-senate-720-years-video/), so she still wouldn't be close to his record.
AOC was 29 when she took office, so Karoline would take that distinction.
But what does that translate into in horse years?
Also smoking hot. Since no one else went there.....
I was waiting on it! Smoke show
And single...
AOC must be green with jealousy
Is she a part of the Free State Project ?
Not Trump endorsed, but she was endorsed by Kash Patel K$H
OMG doesn't she know? Looks over shoulder. Whispers . Doesn't she know she W H I T E.
She beat Matt Mowers in the primary, Trump endorsed Mowers.
Did he also back her now that I missed and not his prior endorsement?
Ah, the great lie spread by the Mowers Campaign. He was endorsed in 2020 and used that in his ads for the 2022 race, as if the endorsement was forever. He also at the time endorsed Corky Messner.
I disagree with OP saying she was Trump backed. No candidate was Trump backed.
However, Kash Patel did give her his endorsement.
I was actually unaware of some of this info prior to this past weekend. Dan Crenshaw and Mitch endorsed Matt Mowers. 🤔
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