The stark difference in that mindset is (True) Christians who don't fear the end is not to quicken that ending (suicide), but looking at death as a mere passage to life eternal, based on the free gift of grace provided by Christ's death at the cross. Death is, in a sense, a relief to the vile sin-filled world we live in. There is no earthly utopia, not even in the USA as it was intended. It may be the best form of government, it may be the most blessed form of government, it (US government) is not and will never be a perfect government, nor will any earthly government. Original sin and personal sin, etc.
Light and momentary afflictions (as the apostle Paul says), you view life on earth as the pinnacle of your existence, God views the pinnacle of man to be with him in paradise, not our lives on earth. We (as humanity) have made our bed, and we now lie in it. Don’t blame God for the errors of man. God graciously doesn’t give us our Just reward. Eternal existence apart from God. Meaningless, worthless, destructive existence in hell.
I'm not catholic. So I could care less what the vatican says. My church is structured much like a republic when you go up the chain (local church is led by the elders - spiritually and deacons - physically).
Post writing of the Bible, about every 500 years have been major milestones in a return to the faith. Nicea, Thomas Aquinas, Reformation, Great Awakening (1st and so far, only). We are approaching the next one. These major milestones were not generated, generally, in one lifetime. There was things that led up to it, things that paved the way. These things were not controlled by the elites, the elites tried very hard to stop them. They continued and succeeded by the grace of God. I don't blindly believe everything I hear from any particular person/people. I have reasoning, convictions, and experience I use. This all stems from gifts that God has given each of us. The problem is that people mistake the order, putting reasoning above God's word, except that the reasoning used is never their own, but another's. Someone plants the seed of doubt, and each of us waters it until it grows in strength. God gives us the Bible. God commands us to test that which we hear. Test ministers, test the scriptures, test, test, test. That is how the Bible today has come to be. Not from the overlords in the vatican, but by people seeking truth, fought and died to that system, and caused a seismic wave across the world. People have carried on that torch. There was no "system" to hand the torch to. The system would have destroyed the torch, which lights our way even today. The elite, cabal, system, whatever name you give them, have sought to maintain power throughout many many centuries. They do so, as you say, by manipulation. They use that manipulation in multiple ways. They control finances, religious facilities, governments, schools, resources to make people think how they would prefer the masses to think. Then there's the outsiders, the rebels. They aren't powerless against them, they utilize different techniques, just like in republican politics today. You get someone in there to stir up trouble, and if they do a good enough job, they can prevent unity in the outsiders, rebels, etc.
You are free to call it a "dark" reply, and I don't deny it is. But it is also the reality we live in. There will never be a perfect government. That being said, you must strive, daily, to make the best for you, yours, and those around you. You ought to seek to make life better for everyone. The number 1 way to do that, is government reform. Get the government out of people's lives. Let local communities, churches and the like, to take care of those in need. Great governments are not noticed in daily life, and a free society is like a rising tide lifting all boats.
The proof of young earth is actually spit upon by the people you accuse me of holding up which is kind of funny/ironic. On the contrary, those who show valid evidence of a young earth are silenced and shunned. Makes you wonder, with everything you see nowadays...
There is no original isn't even in the Jewish bibles as they know there is not.
When the aliens invaded earth and place Adam in the gan edin..obviously brought from elsewhere..and cloned eve from Adams stem cells and we are not talking one Adam one eve here..and Eve got pregnant from another of the elohim...a snake a devil he was called for upsetting all the elohim plans...which was for them to control through artificial insemination.
As eve had eaten the fruit..a term used for sexual act...they left the garden as the damage was done..they had eaten from the tree of life...the Elohm were concerned less they eat from the tree of knowledge and become as to livrpe for thousands of years so they had to leave.
The concept of original sin came much much later when a redeemer o sins was who was.born in December died usually on a cross for sins of man at easter rose after three some research.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles
Yes there is original sin, it’s in our DNA, it’s why children from the youngest ages act out in sin, in EVERY. SINGLE. SITUATION. You are making up a lot of shit
We have all fallen short of the glory of God, which alone makes us unfit for heaven and in need of a savior. So let's say you're correct (for the sake of argument), your point is STILL irrelevant, because we're still creatures of sin (according to your own argument).
You're right, DNA is fake. Children acting sinfully is a parental lie. The Bible is not only not inerrant, but a down right lie, none of it is as it seems. God hid truths so that only .0001% of humanity will ever discover them, he definitely would not make it accessible to mankind as a whole. Please let me grovel at your god's feet instead and sacrifice my children to him/her/it/zhem. /s
When Adam accepted the temptation the first sin entered into creation....hence original sin, which by the way, everyone ever born that is not Christ is currently under.
The stark difference in that mindset is (True) Christians who don't fear the end is not to quicken that ending (suicide), but looking at death as a mere passage to life eternal, based on the free gift of grace provided by Christ's death at the cross. Death is, in a sense, a relief to the vile sin-filled world we live in. There is no earthly utopia, not even in the USA as it was intended. It may be the best form of government, it may be the most blessed form of government, it (US government) is not and will never be a perfect government, nor will any earthly government. Original sin and personal sin, etc.
Light and momentary afflictions (as the apostle Paul says), you view life on earth as the pinnacle of your existence, God views the pinnacle of man to be with him in paradise, not our lives on earth. We (as humanity) have made our bed, and we now lie in it. Don’t blame God for the errors of man. God graciously doesn’t give us our Just reward. Eternal existence apart from God. Meaningless, worthless, destructive existence in hell.
I'm not catholic. So I could care less what the vatican says. My church is structured much like a republic when you go up the chain (local church is led by the elders - spiritually and deacons - physically).
Post writing of the Bible, about every 500 years have been major milestones in a return to the faith. Nicea, Thomas Aquinas, Reformation, Great Awakening (1st and so far, only). We are approaching the next one. These major milestones were not generated, generally, in one lifetime. There was things that led up to it, things that paved the way. These things were not controlled by the elites, the elites tried very hard to stop them. They continued and succeeded by the grace of God. I don't blindly believe everything I hear from any particular person/people. I have reasoning, convictions, and experience I use. This all stems from gifts that God has given each of us. The problem is that people mistake the order, putting reasoning above God's word, except that the reasoning used is never their own, but another's. Someone plants the seed of doubt, and each of us waters it until it grows in strength. God gives us the Bible. God commands us to test that which we hear. Test ministers, test the scriptures, test, test, test. That is how the Bible today has come to be. Not from the overlords in the vatican, but by people seeking truth, fought and died to that system, and caused a seismic wave across the world. People have carried on that torch. There was no "system" to hand the torch to. The system would have destroyed the torch, which lights our way even today. The elite, cabal, system, whatever name you give them, have sought to maintain power throughout many many centuries. They do so, as you say, by manipulation. They use that manipulation in multiple ways. They control finances, religious facilities, governments, schools, resources to make people think how they would prefer the masses to think. Then there's the outsiders, the rebels. They aren't powerless against them, they utilize different techniques, just like in republican politics today. You get someone in there to stir up trouble, and if they do a good enough job, they can prevent unity in the outsiders, rebels, etc.
You are free to call it a "dark" reply, and I don't deny it is. But it is also the reality we live in. There will never be a perfect government. That being said, you must strive, daily, to make the best for you, yours, and those around you. You ought to seek to make life better for everyone. The number 1 way to do that, is government reform. Get the government out of people's lives. Let local communities, churches and the like, to take care of those in need. Great governments are not noticed in daily life, and a free society is like a rising tide lifting all boats.
The proof of young earth is actually spit upon by the people you accuse me of holding up which is kind of funny/ironic. On the contrary, those who show valid evidence of a young earth are silenced and shunned. Makes you wonder, with everything you see nowadays...
Might want to read a Bible some time.
Why? Absent from the body, present with God. We belong to God he can do as He pleases.
There is no original isn't even in the Jewish bibles as they know there is not.
When the aliens invaded earth and place Adam in the gan edin..obviously brought from elsewhere..and cloned eve from Adams stem cells and we are not talking one Adam one eve here..and Eve got pregnant from another of the elohim...a snake a devil he was called for upsetting all the elohim plans...which was for them to control through artificial insemination.
As eve had eaten the fruit..a term used for sexual act...they left the garden as the damage was done..they had eaten from the tree of life...the Elohm were concerned less they eat from the tree of knowledge and become as to livrpe for thousands of years so they had to leave.
The concept of original sin came much much later when a redeemer o sins was who was.born in December died usually on a cross for sins of man at easter rose after three some research.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles
Yes there is original sin, it’s in our DNA, it’s why children from the youngest ages act out in sin, in EVERY. SINGLE. SITUATION. You are making up a lot of shit
Sin in original Greek means missing the mark..what has that to do with DNA?
I am not making anything up look on biglinos website and not just his either..
There is evidence to prove what I say .where is your evidence about original sin and DNA?
We have all fallen short of the glory of God, which alone makes us unfit for heaven and in need of a savior. So let's say you're correct (for the sake of argument), your point is STILL irrelevant, because we're still creatures of sin (according to your own argument).
You're right, DNA is fake. Children acting sinfully is a parental lie. The Bible is not only not inerrant, but a down right lie, none of it is as it seems. God hid truths so that only .0001% of humanity will ever discover them, he definitely would not make it accessible to mankind as a whole. Please let me grovel at your god's feet instead and sacrifice my children to him/her/it/zhem. /s
Uh... maybe you should get off of the interwebs and open a Bible. I mean that in the most loving way possible.
When Adam accepted the temptation the first sin entered into creation....hence original sin, which by the way, everyone ever born that is not Christ is currently under.