108 This is BREAKING NEWS!!! This is a few hours old. (www.tiktok.com) posted 2 years ago by ChiefWoody2021 2 years ago by ChiefWoody2021 +109 / -1 DIVINE TRUTH on TikTok This is BREAKING NEWS!!! This is a few hours old #johndurham #truth #freedom #truthtrain #love #kindness #iamthatiam 19 comments share 19 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I don't believe we will EVER know the full depth and width of the Deep State swamp.
CCP shit
Yep ccp is probably watching you as tic/toc is being viewed
Don't use Tiktok!
Here is the video rehosted to Catbox:
Thank you fren!
Fucking tiktok link....
He talked all about this on timcast irl last night. definitely worth checking out. he had lots to say.
Do NOT link to TikTok please...
I see nothing
Just more talk
"Just more talk".
Still at the " in one ear and out the other" stage? That's OK. When you want to know what others heard you'll ask questions then get digital responses.
Hopefully sight is better for getting information than hearing. For me that's definitely true.
Actions speak louder than words. I agree.
Sorry, I block this site at the router level!
I think you must have the tic tok app on your phone to view this.
I can never see tic Tok stuff.
I don't have it and was able to watch through a browser.
No, I don't have a TT account. I was sent the link over FB messenger.